New Years' Eve

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The New Years' Eve chapter is here! Bit of action, romance and hurt/comfort.

Chapter 8:

31st December 2018

Nathan had walked into the firehouse dressed in his uniform as he saw Kelly and said, "Hey Lieutenant." "Hey Nate, all good?" "All good, LT." he then high-fived the rest of Squad 3 as he headed straight to the locker room as he checked his watch was on the inside of his wrist and was secure.

Soon the Klaxon sounded as the speaker said, "Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Squad 3, Engine 51. Carl Schurz High School on Fire. Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Squad 3 and Engine 51."

Nathan raced to Truck 81 as he said, "How can a school be on fire, it's the holidays!" "Sometimes, fires can occur anywhere, Delaney!" Hermann said.

Nathan murmured, "Perfect end to my year."

Nathan nodded as he adjusted his helmet as Otis said, "Hey Delaney, Brett told me to thank you for paying her tab last night." "Could've waited till we got back to the firehouse, Otis and just so you know, she ain't my girlfriend." Nathan said quickly.

Hermann smirked as he said, "Oh really, then what do you call paying her bar tab, huh?" "Keep your eyes on the job, Hermann, if Delaney will talk about it, he will talk about it, till then we got people to save." Casey said.

Nathan chuckled along with Borelli as they drove to the scene.

In Ambulance 61, Brett was driving as Dawson said, "So, Delaney paid your bar-tab last night." "He was being polite, I guess." "Or... you two are dating." "No, we aren't, he was being polite, he was just doing a favour for me." "Yeah, a favour."

Brett glared as she focused on the road as they arrived at the burning high-school as they got out as Casey then said, "Alright, we got no idea, who's inside, we'll do search teams."

"Hermann, take Kidd, Otis and Mouch into the science block. Borelli, Delaney with me on this one." Casey ordered.

"Got it Lieutenant." Truck 81 said.

Truck 81 and Squad 3 headed into the building all masked up and ready for anything, Casey, Borelli and Nathan moved up a floor along with squad checking the building as they carried the fire-extinguishers, so far there had been no people found in the building as Nathan continued to walk through the building as he heard voices, he keyed his radio as he said, "Lt Severide, have you found anybody yet, over?" "Negative, all clear on this floor, you got something?" "I think so, I can't tell yet." Nathan said.

Nathan moved forward as he followed the sound of the voices as he shouted out, "Fire Department, CALL OUT!"

He moved along until he heard the sound of a rifle being cocked and the corridor being sprayed with bullets as he ducked into one of the classrooms as he shouted into the radio, "SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED ON THE 2ND FLOOR OF THE CARL SCHURZ HIGH SCHOOL!"

Nathan let go of the radio as he keyed his radio again saying, "Casey, Borelli, if you're there, call out, we got a shooter in the building!"

Nathan spotted the shooter as he raced into another classroom dodging the gunfire in the hallway until he came up behind the gunman and engaged into a fist-fight with him until he knocked the gunman down.

The gunman looked up and saw Nathan and said, "Firefighter takes me down, you're either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid!" "How many shooters?" "Go to hell!"

Nathan stood on the shooter's leg and broke it as he said, "Last time, how many shooters?" "8 of us, Woods lured you in, it was a trap for us to eliminate you!" "You forgot one thing, didn't you?"

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