Meeting New Friends, Danger Lurks

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Chicago's Bravest Chapter 2 is now up, Nathan is introduced to the Intelligence Unit and Chicago Med. Let's read on.  

Chapter 2:

Nathan arrived at Molly's which was a small bar as he walked in then saw Matthew Casey who was talking with Gabby and another man in a black jacket as he walked over and said, "Hey Lieutenant, Gabby." "Nathan, glad you made it." Gabby replied. "And miss this out? I wouldn't dream of it." Nathan, Matt and Gabby chuckled as Gabby then said, "Nathan, meet my older brother Antonio, he's in Intelligence."

Nathan then shook his hand as he said, "Nice to meet you, Antonio, you Army?" "No, I'm not, Intelligence is Chicago P.D." "Ah, sorry man, thought you were military." "No worries man." Antonio said as he then asked, "Where you from? I can't place your accent." "I'm from Manhattan, New York." "What's a New Yorker doing in Chicago?" "Just got out of active duty, now I'm a reservist." "Working at 51, right?" "Yeah, that's right." "Where did you serve?" "Navy SEALs, 4 years." "Thank you." "No problem." Nathan finished.

"Did I hear right? You were military?" soon another man wearing a dark shirt he had a beard growing, blue eyes and red-brown hair as Nathan replied, "Yeah, I still am, serving in Reserves." "So was I." Nathan smiled as he heard Gabby say, "Jay Halstead, meet Nathan Delaney, Nathan's new at 51." Jay nodded as he shook Nathan's hand saying, "Nice to meet you." "You too. What unit were you?" "Rangers, 3rd Battalion 75th." "Nice, Navy SEALs." "Wow, I'm in awe of you guys, you love it?" "Let's just say, I love the Navy, it's the best feeling in the world, I'm sure you felt the same way with the Rangers." "Yeah, I did, I know how you feel." Jay said, remembering his service.

Jay and Nathan shared a nod as Nathan asked, "So, what do you do?" "I'm a cop, working alongside Antonio." "In Intelligence, right?" "Right, you are." Nathan nodded as he said to Gabby, "Hey... can I get a beer?" "Yeah, sure." Gabby pulls up a beer as she gives it to Nathan as he nods before heading to a table with Brett and several others as he said, "Hey Brett." "Nathan, meet Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek, and Ethan Choi. Everyone this is Nathan Delaney, the new firefighter."

Nathan shook everyone's hands as he said, "Nice to meet you all." "You too, man." Choi and Ruzek said almost simultaneously. Soon Brett then said, "Ethan, Nathan here served in the Navy he did." Choi looked at Nathan who nodded confirming Brett's statement as he asked Nathan, "Really?" "Yes Sir, Navy SEALs, Chief Petty Officer." "I was Navy as well, 2nd generation. Transferred to the Naval Reserves after I got back to begin my residency." "I was in for 4 years. Then I transferred to the Navy Reserves." Nathan explained.

The others nodded as Brett smiled at him as Burgess and Ruzek shared a look that said the same thing as Burgess headed to the bar as both Nathan and Choi shared some stories, but mostly Nathan didn't share much about his military life because he shared the places he had been in like Afghanistan, Korea and the Naval Ships too, Choi shares some things as he asks, "So any girl in your life?" "No, I used to be engaged but it didn't go anywhere." "Sorry to hear, you hear from her since?" "No, not since I left the SEALs. She was still in Naval Intel after I left." "Sorry to hear, I had a girlfriend who worked at the Naval VA." "So, you got a girl?" "Yeah, she's a doctor too." Ethan said.

Nathan then took a drink of his beer and replied, "Nice, hey, a guy was pulled in from the train disaster, A Charlie Daniels?" "Yeah, he's ok, he's doing good too." "I knew Steel was going to pull through." "You knew him?" "My days in the SEALs, we were in the different units but we served together on a couple ops, one of our finest." "My girl's watching over him at Med." "When's visiting hours?" "Up until 9pm." "Alright. I'll leave soon." "It's at the Gaffney Medical Centre." "Thanks, Choi." Nathan said.

Antonio was looking over at Sylvie who was talking with Burgess. Antonio, had broken up with Sylvie a few months ago and it pissed him off, she was flirting with this Nathan guy and he still loved her. Sylvie stole a glance at Antonio and she rolled her eyes at him turning back to Burgess.

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