Stand Together

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Chapter 18 is now up. After being engaged, Nathan, strives to head out into the city to protect and serve it, but danger is around the corner?

Let's read on.

Chapter 18:

12th Precinct, Manhattan, New York City

Nathan was in his precinct at his desk as he saw the desk sergeant who said, "You need to fill out your pension or any family you have won't claim your benefits." "Thanks Sarge." Nathan gave a small smile as he filled out the pension list as he said, "All done, Sarge." "Thanks kid."

The sergeant looked at the name listed Sylvie Delaney as he said, "Never knew you were married." "Not yet, but give it till December, then it all happens."

The Sergeant nods as he walks away with Joe Lake approaching as he says, "Ready rookie?" "Ready to kick ass."

Lake laughs as both him and Nathan walk out of the precinct heading for their patrol car, once they got in, Nathan had began to drive as he kept silent as he focused on the street, they came up to a red light as Lake said, "Who was that you were talking to on the phone before beginning of shift?"

Nathan looked and said, "Therapist." "Why do you need therapy?" "Just been having a few rough nights, nothing of it." "You been taking pills?" "I'm not an addict, I'd never stoop that low, I've been through hell and back."

Lake looked at him as he said, "I know your record, it's a good one, your family's done the same thing for generations, thought you SEALs were the toughest sons of bitches in the whole Armed Forces." "Just because you see scars on the outside, doesn't mean you see what happens on the inside." Nathan replies sarcastically.

Nathan takes a deep breath before saying, "Sorry, boss, I didn't mean to snap. It's just I don't want to bottle everything up. Just been through a rough year, so far." "Looks like your year is just getting better, judging by that smile this morning." "Actually, I've been happy since yesterday. Got engaged."

Joe looked at his rookie in astonishment as he said, "I didn't know you were dating anybody." "It was somebody I knew back in Chicago, I was a firefighter."

Joe looked shocked as he said, "You were a firefighter?" "It was only for 10 ½ months, I left in January, to head back to the Navy, then I left after 2 weeks and came home to here." "This girl, did you save her life?" "No, I worked with her, same firehouse, she's really sweet, I love her, I want to just get married to her and raise a family." "Does she want that?"

Nathan replied, "Hell yeah, without a doubt." "You're either the luckiest sonofabitch alive or the craziest bastard to propose after she moved here." "Way to dampen my mood, I love her." "When you getting hitched?" "December, couple days before Christmas, and I prefer the term 'married.'"

Lake laughed as he said, "I always thought you had an iron heart, rookie, I'd like to meet the gal that was bold enough to conquer your heart."

6 hours later, they had finished another patrol of a street were near the end of their beat patrol for the day as Lake was driving the squad car.

Soon the radio went off saying, "12-Indigo, respond to an apartment block on the third floor in the East Village, reports of a stash house in the vicinity, unit to handle?"

Nathan smirked before saying, "This is 12-Indigo, handling the East Village stash house. Be advised, any additional intel, over?" "Not at this time 12-Indigo, proceed with caution, over?" "10-4, copy that."

The pair drove to the apartment block without turning on the sirens, just in the event that it was true, and they didn't want to draw any attention to themselves.

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