It's Gotta Be You

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As foretold, I did promise we'd be getting a bit of a jump from where we had left off. Hope y'all are well. 

Chapter 15:

7 Months Later

September 2019

"Dear Diary, it has been 8 months since Nathan had left Chicago, his departure has deeply affected me, we gained a new firefighter at Firehouse 51, he's shown an obsession-like crush on me, to be truthfully honest, I don't think this guy is 10 times the man that Nathan is.

Everyone around 51, still thinks about Nathan's departure in their own time. Chief Boden hasn't heard from him, nor has Lieutenants Severide or Hermann, even Casey hasn't heard from him. I think they blame themselves for what had happened. I miss Delaney so much, I wish I knew where he had gone."

Sylvie had woken up in her apartment she had changed into her paramedics uniform as she left her apartment going to her car. Today was just another day in her routine, in the past, she would normally go to Molly's after work, but instead, all she does is work, eat and just work.

She arrives at the front entrance as she sees the new firefighter Johnny Norelli, he was very tall, brown hair with brown eyes, he had a muscular build, it had been rumoured he was in the military. But who knew if that was true who says, "Hey Sylvie, need a hand?" "No thanks, I got this." "Look, you obviously need help, come on." "No, I don't need your help."

Sylvie walks into the firehouse as Johnny watches the back of her. Sylvie puts her stuff away as she turns but to see a vision of Nathan standing in front of her as she said, "Nate, is this you?" "Not exactly." "I miss you, Nate." "I miss you too." "Where'd you go?" "I went back home, Sylvie."

Sylvie guesses saying, "New York." "Can't keep a Brooklyn boy away from New York." "I'll see you again, Nate." Sylvie says.

Nathan smiles saying, "I noticed the new firefighter, he ain't worth 10 of this firehouse." "He's an idiot for the record." "He ain't like you though, you're helluva lot better." "Thanks Brett." "I'll see you again, Nate." "God bless you." Nathan says before disappearing.

Sylvie looked up at the sky and said a prayer before getting to work.

Meanwhile in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

Nathan is in his dress blues preparing for his graduation from the NYPD Academy, he places his cap on his head, accompanied by a pair of white gloves. The weather in Brooklyn was a mildly warm summer's day in August, Nathan Delaney was now following what 5 generations of Delaney men had done, serve their country and their city with honor and integrity. He had joined the Academy in March after spending some time in the local gun-range as he helped some of the severely injured veterans down at the VA Hospital, it helped him a little better helping guys that had served as he had done, but he never went to therapy.

It would only be him out of his friends to graduate from the NYPD Academy. The Daniels Siblings were still in the Army and his Navy SEAL buddies still in the SEALs, after the Taylor Canary op, they didn't feel like they were ready to leave the Navy, so only Nathan left and it had been his choice alone to leave behind his friends and comrades.

Nathan was in a taxi driving down the streets of New York City, they had arrived opposite of the street where the Madison Square Garden was, he had gotten out, he was all alone, he made his way into the section of where the NYPD Graduates were waiting to go in as he got in line, he hadn't been on best of terms with anyone in his academy class, mostly due to he stayed as the troubled war veteran.

He had wondered to himself, how he'd been able to barely hold on, even though he didn't have a girlfriend.

They all walked in straight lines as they marched, Nathan looked to his right to see the citizens who applauded the newest group of graduates for New York's Finest, he didn't feel like taking in the proud expressions everyone gave, he always wanted to be the guy who didn't like being called a hero, he was more the silent and quiet type of officer.

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