Jack Avery

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Text copyright © 2018 by WhyDontWeFan5cuties 

All Rights Reserved

Okay, now on with the story!


I sit in my room, staring out my window. I see my neighbors throwing a party that I wasn't invited to, as always. 

I get up and walk to the bathroom. I look at 'myself' in the mirror. Who is this? I don't know this piece of trash. This person is not who I was supposed to be. I was meant to be beautiful. Everyone was supposed to be jealous of me. Now they just make fun of me. I don't blame them. If I were then, I would bully someone like myself all the time.

I open the cabinet and pull out a razor. I snap it and look at it.

⚠️trigger warning! I suggest you do not read ahead if you are sensitive to this type of stuff⚠️

I put the Razer next to my wrist and start cutting myself. Again. The blood drips down to the ground where there is already a puddle of blood from earlier. 

⚠️All good!⚠️

All I want to do is die. 

I have an abusive father, no mother, no siblings, no friends, no lover, and I should have no life. 

Why did that so called person named God bring me into this world? 

I walk out of the bathroom and look out the window again. I see Zach Herron prance into the place like he owns it. He thinks he's all that. Ugh, I hate him.

Then I decided to do something I never do, pray.

"God, I don't know how to really talk to you. I've seen people put their hands together in movies but I don't know what that has to do with anything. I just want to ask you something. Why? Why did you bring me into this stupid world? Why did you give me this father? Why don't I have friends? Why doesn't anyone love me? Did you know that I cut myself on the daily? If you know that, why aren't you trying to stop me? Why don't you just send a little angel thingy down to come get me. I deserve to be in heaven. If this isn't hell, I don't know what is. I guess what I'm trying to say is... Why aren't I dead yet? Kill me. JUST FUCKING KILL ME!!!" I screamed so loud, thank goodness my father isn't home yet. I hope he dies. I want him to fucking get into a car crash and slam through the window. And when doctors try to resurrect him from the dead, I hope he becomes a zombie and kills everyone. No, not a zombie... I hope he just comes back to life, the monster that he is. 

I here a loud crash from downstairs and I jump. I head over to my doorway and look down the stairs. I see a beer can and a few glasses of wine on the counter. He must be home.

"Bitch, get your fucking ass down here!!" I hear the monster yell. We gave each other nicknames. He's monster, I'm bitch. 

I creep down the stairs regretting every step. 

⚠️- this means that there is some sensitive stuff coming up. When you see this for a second time, it is safe to read. Read at your own risk⚠️

As soon as I step on the last stair, he's already pulling me by my hair. He drags be into his whipping chamber (his room) and slams me on the bed. He locks the door as I sit there scared as shit. 

He goes to his closet and pulls out a belt. Unlike the others, this one has metal spikes. Fuck, this is gonna hurt.

"Clothes off, NOW!" He screams in my face. I take off everything except my boxers.

"ALL OF IT! YOU KNOW THE DRILL!" He screams, louder than the first time. 

I take off my boxers as he starts whipping me. I scream and he tells me to shut up. When I scream again, he gets out a used jockstrap and sticks it in my mouth. I almost gag. He stops whipping me and tells me to get on my knees. I do as he says. I starts to take of his pants and boxers. 

"BLOWJOB NOW!" He yells at me. I do as he says and dislike every second of it. When he had had enough of me he throws me out of his room, me still naked. 

⚠️- safe

I run upstairs and get changed into another outfit.

I lock my door and sit by my window again, watching people having fun. That'll never happen. I'll never have fun for the rest of my life. Especially with my dad around. 

Boy, if I was Zach Herron for a day... My whole life would change. I could actually have a GOOD day... If only...




Hey everyone! This is my second book. I really hope everyone enjoys it. I will try to make a schedule for writing as soon as school starts but right now, they'll be all over the place. 

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