Zach Herron

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I am sitting on a bean bag in my room, watching TV. I hear my phone buzz so I get up. It's a tweet. From Corbyn Besson. My best friend. 

Corbyn Besson

Party @ my house! 5 PM tonight, 23 West Avenue. Be there!

Okay. Corbyn always throws parties when his parents aren't home, which is pretty often. His mom works across the country and his dad is basically at work 24/7.

I decided to get changed because the party was starting in an hour. I change into black ripped jeans, a white shirt, and my checkered Vans.

I slip out of my house without my parents seeing, even though they would let me go anyways.


I arrive to his house and pull my car into his driveway. No ones here yet to I decide to sit in the car for a bit, on my phone.

Instagram... What you got for me...

Corbyn Besson:

This is the house I am planning to buy with my bandmates! Aka, @imzachherron @seaveydaniel @jonahmarais love you bros!

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This is the house I am planning to buy with my bandmates! Aka, @imzachherron @seaveydaniel @jonahmarais love you bros!

Imzachherron: love you too bro. Can't wait to live there!

Seaveydaniel: oh yeah!!! I can deal with that house. And dat pool! Wow

Jonahmarais: bro, how do you expect us to pay for that?!

Seaveydaniel: ugh, @jonahmarais being a dad again...🙄

Jonahmarais: oh shut up @seaveydaniel do you want to be broke and homeless?

Seaveydaniel: hey! I might be broke but I won't be homeless! I just bought the house duh! @jonahmarais

Jonahmarais: and what if you get evicted? @seaveydaniel

Imzachherron: I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but are you almost at Corbyn's? I'm lonely in the car. @seaveydaniel @jonahmarais

Seaveydaniel: on my way now @imzachherron

Jonahmarais: same @imzachherron


A minute later the guys pull up. It is now 4:55 and I decide to get out. More people start to arrive.

"Yo Zach!" I hear someone yell my name. I turn around to see someone I've never met before. I see a short little guy who I'll guess is in 9th grade. "Can I have your autograph?!" He asked me excitedly. "Um... Maybe later. Okay bud?" I ruffle his hair and continue walking inside the house. 

"Yo! Glad you could make it!" Corbyn comes over and hugs me, then the rest of the boys. After talking with him for a bit, I head over to the snack bar. I grab some fruit punch because I hate alcohol. I also grab some Oreos that are laying around.

 I head upstairs to his game room and look out the window while eating. I see a guy with curly hair go into what I think is his room. He's covering his parts, I think he's naked. He gets changed and  looks out the window. He doesn't notice me. 

His face has a few freckles. He wears a small nose ring. His hair looks like ramen noodles. His eyes. Boy, his eyes. They're beautiful.

"Yo bro!" I am startled by Corbyn, the rest of the guys following him. "Me and the boys want to play truth or dare. Just us. Want to join?" He asks me. "Sure" I reply. We sit in a circle on the floor.




Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying this story so far! If you have any ideas for the story, please share. Also request some names for you guys.

Name suggestion so far: 


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