Finally Meeting!

937 27 24

Zach's POV

I head out the door with music blasting through my earbuds.

I get in my car and see my soccer bag one the passenger seat. 

"Ugh" I groan.

I pick the bag up and throw it in the back. My parents don't know that I hate soccer so I'm forced to go. Why do I hate soccer? Well, even though I'm popular, I still have bullies. 

I get the car started and drive to Chipotle.


I get to Chipotle and sit down in a booth. I wait for 'Joey'.

I a guy with curly hair walk in and sit at a table. That's the guy the lives besides Corbyn! I saw him in his room during the party. 

He gets up and gets a burrito. He pulls out his phone and takes a photo. 

Seconds later I get a notification on my phone. Instagram.


Jackaverymusic: at Chipotle

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Jackaverymusic: at Chipotle. Yum.

Jonahmarais: bitch why would we care?

Corbynbesson: so?

Seaveydaniel: I'll take the burrito but you.... I'll leave you in a ditch.


Jack Avery. EVERYONE at school bullies him. I never understood why. I'll admit, I used to bully him too, but I haven't in a year or two.


It's been 20 minutes and 'Joey' still isn't here.

I can't believe he blew me off. I decide to text him.

Z: bro, why'd you ditch me?

J: me?!? I've been waiting for you for 20 minutes!

Z: what's the address of your Chipotle?

J: 24 Lake Drive

Z: me too! So you're lying. You're not here!

J: wtf I'm not lying.

Z: send me a picture of you at Chipotle then.

J: I will.


Just then I see Jack Avery stand up and go outside, his food still on the table.


A photo from 'Joey'.



(Pretend it's Jack Avery)

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(Pretend it's Jack Avery)

J: believe me now? 


Holy shit. 'Joey' is Jack Avery.

I run out side and hug him.

"What the fuck dude?!?! Get off me bitch!" He yells at me.

"Chill bro. Is 'Zander'. You're 'Joey'?" I ask him.

"First, why did you hug me?" He asks me.

"Well I feel really bad. When you were telling me about yourself through text, you sounded really cool. And, I don't know if you remember but.... I kinda.... Used to bully you. And when you told me that your dad abuses you, I felt really bad. I just wanted to get him away from you." I explain truthfully.

"Well, thanks man. To be honest, you sound like a really good person when you discribed yourself through text too. I really wanted to be friends with you, but now that I know who you really are.... I could never be friends with you..." He says.

What? Why?

I wish he didn't want to be friends, but more than friends. Shit. Gay, calm yourself down!

"Why not...?" I said, almost crying.

"You're... How do I say it.... You're.... Zach Herron." He says.

What? Is he ashamed of me or something?

"Well, of course I am. Is that a bad thing?" I ask, a small tear falling down my face.

"Well, you're popular. And we'll.... I'm nobody." He says as he wipes my tear away.

"You aren't nobody. You are way more than a nobody. I really really-" I start saying.

No, don't say like. That sounds too gay.

"Want to be your friend." I finish.

"Really?" He asks.

"Of course." I say.

You don't know how much it hurts me, not being able to kiss his beautiful face.




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