The Love of my Life

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Jack's POV

*8 Years Later*

"Daddy!" I hear from the kitchen. I look up and see Reese and Isla running towards me. I put out my arms and bring them into a hug.

"How was school?" I ask them while playing with their hair.

"Good. We made a painting of a birdy! Robert painted a cow and Dean painted a horse. It was fun!" Isla explains.

"That's great, you will have to show me them after. Where are your brothers?" I ask them.

"With daddy. They wanted to show him some project they made in science," Reese says.

"Oh okay. Why don't you two go upstairs and play with your Barbie's?" I suggest.

They nod and rush up the stairs. I walk into the kitchen, in search for the guys.

"Zach?" I call out.

No response. 

Then I see a note on the counter. 

It says, "Jack, me and the boys went to go pick up dinner from Chipotle. We will be back with thw food in about twenty minutes. Love you ❤️"

I put the note down and go upstairs to tell the girls.


We all sit around the dinner table eating burritos from Chipotle. Robert wanted peppers on his but he took them all out because it turns out, he doesn't like them. Who doesn't like peppers?!

"So did you all have a good day at school?" Zach asks them.

The boys nod their heads while the girls go explaining about their art projects.

"Cool! You'll have to show me and daddy later," Zach says when they are done.


After dinner we all sit down and watch a movie. We let the boys pick so we are watching Cars 2.

"He goes so fast! Zoom zoom!" Dean says while pointing at the TV.

Me and Zach laugh a little and continue watching.

I look over at Zach. I place my hand on his thigh.

I can't believe he is mine. The love of my life is next to me and the most beautiful human being in the whole world. I kiss him lightly when the kids aren't looking and he kisses back.

I never new that Just a Little Bit of Love could change my life forever.




That's all folks!

That is the end of Just a Little Bit of Love.

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Love you!

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