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Jack's POV

Zach stays still, in fear of me taking my own life.

"Jack... You don't have to do this. Why are you doing this? You're so special to me and you always will be. From the moment I sent you that message, I knew you would be special to me. You're the best person in the whole world and I don't know how I would live without you in my life. Please don't do this unless you want me to do the same thing after your gone. I love you Jack Robert Herron," he tells me while tears stream down his face.



He takes a step forward but I allow him to. He kneels down on the ground and takes out a ring box. Tears fall down my face even faster then they did before.

"Jack Robert Avery. You complete me. I don't know who I am without you. You're my everything and all I want to do is spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have a family. I want to grow old together. But in order to do all that, I need you. Jack, will you take my hand in marriage and make me the happiest man in the universe?" He asks me.

He opens up the ring box to reveal a beautiful ring. I look at his hand and see that he's wearing one similar to it. Then I remember something.

- (flashback)

Me and Zach layed on his couch snuggling. I really want to tell him how I feel but I feel like how would regect me. Who would want a piece of shit like me anyways?

He starts to snore a little and I realize that he's fast asleep. I stroke his hair and kiss his hand. Wait... Is that... A ring? Is he already taken? 


Zach... He was already planning to ask me to marry him... Before we were even a couple?

Zach must have realized that I was staring at the ring because he explains what I was thinking.

"I always knew that you would have a special place in my heart. I got these rings a long time ago because I knew at some point I would tell you how I felt. And then I realized, I didn't want us to be a couple. I never wanted use to be a couple. I wanted more. I wanted us to be husbands," he told me. 

I stared at him in awe and started crying really hard.

The tears wouldn't stop and my face was surely red.

"So... Jack, will you marry me?" Zach asked me again.




Zach is so sweet.

What do you melons think Jack will say?




Bye melons!

Happy New Year!

Oh and here are the rings:

Oh and here are the rings:

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Zach has the black one.

Jack has the gold one.

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