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Zach's POV

"I... I... I looked up the guy... Um, Jack online, based on your description and.... Zach..." He puts his hands in his knees. 

I hold him close.

"And what?" I ask.

"I... I think I'm gay..." He confesses.

Gay? Wait... For Jack?!

"For Jack?" I ask him.

He nods.

Ryan's POV

I know Zach won't accept me. Especially since he likes Jack too.

"Ryan... Being gay isn't a big deal.... But Jack? He's like five years older than you!?" Zach basically yelled at me.

"I'm sorry, I can't help the way I feel..." I say, crying a little.

"Well you better be able to control your feelings because Jack.... Jack Avery.... He's mine." And with that he was off.

Jack's POV

I was finishing off Reese's full face of make-up when Zach walks in.

"Hey." I simply said.

"Hi" he said.

"Want to curl my hair?" Reese asked excitedly.

"Um... I'm not good with heat... I'm sorry..." I answered.

"No, no, no. I'll show you." Zach insisted.

"No really, I'll but down your beautiful house with his thing." I say motioning towards the curling iron.

"No." Zach simply says and picks up the curling iron.

He plugs it into an outlet in the wall and prepares Reese's hair with some heat protection. He brushes through her hair and picks up the curling iron.

"Put your hand on mine" he instructs.

I do as told and Zach shows me how to curl her hair. It's actually really easy.

"Good job. She looks amazing." Zach says as we head down the stairs for dinner.

"Thanks." I say. 

I hiccup when our hands lightly brush against each other.

Zach's POV

Yeah, like I didn't hear that.

I grab his hand and squeeze it.



Me and Jack sit next to each other at dinner. As we eat, I slowly bring my hand to his thigh. He shifts a bit, trying to get comfortable with his boner.

I glide my hand up farther and slap his thing lightly.

He squirms so much this time.

Jack's POV

Omg. It feels amazing, but I need to stop.


I immediately palm Zach's thing from the outside of his sweat pants...




Tired. Need to post. 12:11 am. Bye.

𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now