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Jack's POV

"A girl! Congratulations!" The doctor told me.

Daniel sighed and gives me a big hug and I immediately hug back.

Just then, a nurse comes rushing in.

I can't hear all of what she says but I hear little bits such as, "...wrong....results.... babies....three....them...." 

I look at the doctor who takes a look at some papers. He looks at me and walks over to me and Daniel.

"Guys, I'm sorry, I looked at the wrong results. You are actually having triplets, two boys and a girl," the doctor explains.

My gaw drops. 


"Oh..." I say and look to Daniel.

"It's alright. I can help you two," Daniel tells me.

I sigh of relief and hug him.

"Now, how about we go home and start planning this?" He asks me. I just nod my head and he helps me get up.


-At Jack and Zach's house-

"So you guys are getting married and having children? You can't just stay at his parents house forever. Do his parents even know that he proposed? Are they going to accept that you're pregnant? Will you two buy a house together?" Daniel keeps questioning me.

"Um... I don't think stressing me out like this is good for the babies," I tell him.

"True. I have one question though, what are you guys going to name them?" He asks.

"I think we'll just decide after I give birth. And I don't want to decide without him," I explain. 

Daniel nods his head and continues sketching his idea while I throw up once more.

"You good?" He asks me from Zach's room.

"Yeah, don't worry about me," I respond and continue to hurl in the toilet.

I walk back into Zach's room and plop myself into the seat next to Daniel.

"Here's my plan. You invite him to dinner at his favorite restaurant and I will secretly be seated near you so that I can make everything go smoothly," Daniel starts. I nod gesturing him to continue.

"You guys will eat and then order a special cake that will only be on your menus. Don't worry, I can do that. Then when I send you a text, you start talking about the baby subject. Saying stuff like, 'do you think we should adopt?' and, 'do you want a kid?'. That might give him a signal that you are trying to tell him something," Daniel says. I nod taking in his words.

"Then your cake will come a minute after you ask him and when he cuts into it, it will be 2/3 blue and 1/3 pink with a caption on the cake saying, 'I'm pregnant and you're the father! Congrats!'. And then a little side note explaining that the inside of the cake is the gender," he explains. 

"I love it! When should I tell him though?" I ask Daniel since he seems like the expert here.

"How about tomorrow night? I can easily start to make the arrangements tonight and finish them off tomorrow," Daniel suggests.

I nod and help him start the arrangements.


-20 minutes later- 

Daniel left a minute ago and now I'm bored. I thought Zach would be home by now.

Just then, there's a knock on the door. 

"Come in," I say before Zach's mom opens the door.

"Hey Jack. Zach texted me and told me that he has to work the late shift tonight so I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with us?" She suggests.

I smile and get up after thanking her.

I walk down the stairs and sit next to Ryan.

"H-hey," Ryan says to me.

"Hey bud," I say as I ruffle his hair.

His face seems to grow red as I do so.

"So Jack... Zach told me that he proposed to you last night. I hope you said yes, we would love to have you in the family," Mr.Herron tells me.

"I sure did. I don't know how anyone could regect him," I explain.

Mr.Herron smiles and so does Mrs.Herron.

"So... Are you two planning on having kids?" Mrs.Herron asks me.

Does she know something's up? Did Daniel tell her?

"Um... I don't know if he wants kids but I do and um... I'm kind of pregnant with triplets right now..." I explain.


"I'm sure you will," I tell her and smile.

"That's great Jack! Just remember that we will always support you guys and you can stay at our house for as long as you would like," Mrs.Herron says to me.

I smile and thank her.

I finish dinner and head upstairs, waiting for Zach to come home.





I think the f*ck yea!

I already have names so please don't suggest any, I already took some from the comments.

Bye Melons!!!

𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now