Gender Reveal!

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Zach's POV

Inside the cake it is 2/3 blue and 1/3 pink. Two boys and a girl.

I stand up quickly and wrap my arms around Jack's waist. I jump up and down a bit and then finally settle down.

"Glad to see you are happy about it. I thought you would leave me," Jack says to me.

"Why would I ever leave the best person in the world who makes me feel complete?" I question him. He doesn't respond, he just kisses me. I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with this adorable goof.


Author: Okay guys, don't kill me but I completely forgot if they had already gotten married at this point but let's just say that it is a few months later and they are already married. Yeah.)

-7 months later- {December}

The doctors say that Jack is going to give birth soon but they don't have an exact date. They estimate somewhere in the middle of January but otherwise, it is a mystery as of now.

We already decided on the names but we are not telling my family or Daniel until afterwards.

As of right now, me and Jack are wrapping Christmas presents. In a week it will be Christmas and we had just gotten our shopping done.

"Zachy?" I hear Jack ask. 

"Yeah. What's up babe?" 

"I've been thinking and I think we should look into getting an apartment or maybe even a house. After all, soon we will have three children running around," He says.

"I've been thinking that too but let's not worry about it in the meantime," I tell him.

If I need to tell the truth, my parents bought Jack and I a house for Christmas. They asked me which house I thought would be more suitable for our children and they told me all about their idea for me and Jack. I decided on this cute bungalow house that I know Jack will love.


(Christmas Morning)

Jack's POV

A house? Zach's parents literally bought us a house of Christmas? I have to admit, that's a little much.

"Here is a picture," his dad, well my dad, says while holding out an image.

"I can't even begin to thank you guys," I tell his parents while hugging them

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"I can't even begin to thank you guys," I tell his parents while hugging them.

"It's no big deal. We can even help you move in if you need. The place is all ready so you can move in whenever," Mrs. Herron says.

"Can we move in tomorrow?" I ask Zach. "I want to have it ready for when we need it. You never know, I could give birth early."

"Great idea," Zach responds.

His parents agree to help us especially since I can't do much at the moment.

We get started tomorrow.




I'm done with life :P

𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now