The Pills... Killed Him?

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Jack's POV

I see Zach head over to where I'm waiting in line. I wave him over.

He starts walking to me when all of a sudden, he stops. He collapses on to the ground. Everyone around him flat out ignores that I just passed out.

I quickly rush over to him and try to get him up. I drop him up on my lap and say, "Zach, please no... I-I love y-you..." You could here my voice break just at the sight of him lying there.

He's just sleeping, I thought, but he wasn't.

I knew he passed out and I shouldn't try to make myself believe otherwise.

"SOMEONE FUCKING CALL 9-1-1 RIGHT NOW!" I yell at everyone. I think the people on the ride, 1,019 feet away, could hear me.

I see a girl around twenty pull out her phone and dial a number. She hands her phone to me since she heard me say 'i love you' to him before.

My shaky voice answers with, "Hello?"

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" I hear from the other end.

"M-my boyfriend... He collapsed..." I answer.

"And where are you right now ma'am?" The dispatcher asks me.

"First of all, I'm a man not a woman... And we're at Six Flags right now, we were just about to go on Superman." I say. 

"Sorry about that sir. And do you know any reason why he might collapse?" He asks me.

"Um... I'm not quite sure but he is taking pills for his anxiety, I don't know if that will have to do with anything..." I answer shyly.

"Do you know how many he took?" He asks me.

"Um... I don't know... 2 maybe?" I say.

"Okay, I just sent someone there. Feel his wrists. Do you have a pulse?" He asks.

I feel his wrist. One beat. Two beats. Three... They stopped.

"I had a few a second ago but they stopped." I say nervously.

"Um... So he's your boyfriend?" He asks quickly, trying not to waste time.

"Yeah, why?" I ask him. Was he going to be a homophobic?

"Give him CPR. Quick!" He says.

I quickly plug his nose and start blowing into his mouth with mine. I do it quite a few times before I check the pulse again. Nothing.

"It isn't working! What do I do?" I ask him frantically.

"Out men just arrived near the back entrance. They should be there in exactly 7.2 seconds." He said. Wow, that's precise.

I see the men come my direction.

They give him CPR too but nothing happens. 

"He went into cardiac arrest!" A man shouts.

Three other men take their time getting out a defibrillator.

"Clear!" The man from before shouts, pressing the defibrillator down on Zach's chest. He's chest rose and fell.

"Clear!" The man shouts again. Same thing.




Will Zach live?

𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now