Truth or Dare?

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Zach's POV

We all sat down in a circle and started playing.

"Corbyn, truth or dare?" Jonah asked. Corbyn's fingers stroking his "beard", or so called, stubles.

"Hmm..... Truth" Corbyn answered. Now Jonah put on his thoughtful face.

"Have you ever thought about having a sexual interaction with one of our siblings?" He asked.

"Um..." Corbyn simply replied. 

"What?!? Spill. Now." Daniel said. Corbyn sighed and answered, "umm I kinda thought about doing... You know... IT... With Anna...." We all look shocked. "Yo- you- you- you what?!?!?" Daniel shouts. "I'm sorry!" Corbyn says. "Wow" was all Daniel could say.

"Zach. T or D?" Corbyn asks me.

"You could just say TRUTH or DARE but okay... Um... Dare." I answer. Bad choice. You would think that Corbyn gave the lamest dares but he gives the most embarrassing. I hate his dares.

"I dare you to text a number of my choice!" He says proudly. I sigh and pull out my phone.

"193-2836 (not putting an area code, also don't try using this number, I made it up)" Corbyn says. I put in the number and texted it.

"Say, 'hey. How are you. Why were you not at school today?' you know, act casual." Corbyn says.

Z: hey. How are you. Why were you not at school today?

193-2836: um... Who is this?

Z: bro don't mess with me. You know who I am.

193-2836: I actually don't...

Z: seriously?

193-2836: I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it (get it? I only say it cuz I really mean it)

Z: I'll tell you later. I have to go. Bye

193-2836: ok...?

I put my phone down.

"What did the person say?" Jonah asked me. 

"Umm... Nothing. I just kept spamming his text messages." I lie to them.

"How do you know it's a he?" Daniel asked me. Shit. He's onto me. Wait... I don't even know if it's a he.

"I don't know but I don't want to call him or her 'it' because that seems rude. I'm going to text the person again later and see what gender they are" I tell them.

"Oka-" Corbyn gets cut off by a police officer.


We all run down the stairs. 

"I am..." Corbyn confesses.

"Sir, we are going to need to shut down this party and give you a ticket. Don't worry, since this is the first time that you've gotten reported for a party, the expenses are small." The police officer says.

"Oh, okay thank you. Do you mind me asking how much it will cost?" Corbyn asks.

"$439.20" the officer says.

"That's a lot.... Guys do you mind helping me? I don't have the money." Corbyn asks us.

"Sure" Daniel and Jonah reply at the same time. Corbyn looks to me.

"I'm sorry I can't. I don't have time for a job, I have soccer practice." I say. Corbyn nods and turns to the police again. 

"The money is to be turned in at the end of the week, at the police station. And I suggest, if you don't want your parents to find out... You get the money quick." He says. "I understand. Thank you" Corbyn tells the police. The police officer walks out of the house and waves 'bye'.

"Well I am going to apply for a job at Chipotle online." Daniel says. "Same" Jonah replies. Corbyn already works at Chipotle, they're all going to work together.

I pull out my phone to see that it's 5:34.

"Shit!" I yell and run out the door. I'm going to be late for soccer practice!

I jump into my car and I immediately drive away to soccer practice.




I say boom boom boom, now let me hear you say wayhoo!

Thank you guys so much for reading this and voting! I love each and every one of you.

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