After Soccer Practice

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Jack's POV

I got a few messages from a random number earlier today. It sad that they would tell me who they are later. Could they have been more exact?

"Bing!" I shake at the sound of my phone. 

I get up and get my phone off of my nightstand. A text. I go sit back down on my bean bag.

284-2836: hey

J: hello. So who are you know?

284-2836: I'm not going to tell you yet. But can you tell me something?

J: depends what it is.

284-2836: are you a guy or girl?

J: guy

284-2836: same. Now, what grade are you in?

J: I don't feel comfortable answering that.... For all I know, you could be a 65 year old man.

284-2836: I'll tell you my grade first if you don't feel comfortable.

J: okay

284-2836: I'm in 11th grade.

J: same.

284-2836: I go to Sachse High School. (Fun fact that is the actual highschool in Sachse Texas that Zach Herron went to)

J: same!

284-2836: hey, maybe we shouldn't tell each other who we are until we get to know each other better. And if we actually become friends, maybe we could meet somewhere and introduce ourselves in person.

J: that sounds fun, sure.

284-2836: well I guess we should come up with disguste names to call each other till we meet?

J: okay. Mines..... Joey

284-2836: mines..... Zander

(284-2836 changed 193-2836 to Joey)

(193-2836 changed 284-2836 to Zander)

J: okay there

Z: wyd Joe?

J: nothing. You Zan?

Z: nth. Want to get to know each other better?

J: sure.

Z: middle name?

J: Robert

Z: Dean

J: that's cute.


Z: ok.... You gay?

J: do you want me to be honest?

Z: I would prefer it.

J: um... I'm bisexual...

Z: cool, I'm bi curious

J: oh

Z: I'm gonna guess you're single?

J: yes. You too?

Z: yeah.

J: what about.... Favorite game?



Z: maybe when we finally meet, we can play together.

J: yes!


We spent 2 more hour talking and I learned a lot about him. Apparently he's 17, like me, and he loves to sing. He says that he has a YouTube channel with a whole bunch of covers. Too bad I can't see them.

Zach's POV

After 2 more hours of talking I learned that he was 17 also, loved to sing, like me, and he has an abusive father. 

I felt really bad after hearing that. I wish I could help him or offer him to live with me but I still don't know him yet. 

I felt even worse when I heard that not only does his father abuses him, but he sexuality abuses him to. I can't even imagine that. 

When I get to meet him, I'm going to get him away from his father no matter who he really is.




Name suggestions?

𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now