We have... Fans?

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Zach's POV

As we walk into I Hop, a group of girls surrounds us.

"Woah woah woah... What's going on?" Jack asks while holding his hands in the air.


Are we really this famous? It's only been one day, not even.

"Can we please be left alone so we can eat?" I ask them calmly, controlling all the frustration that's bottled up inside me.

They quickly make a run for it, all gathering in the corner. Of course, still trying to take photos of us.

We finally sit down and out waiter comes.

"Hello, I am Daniel and I'll be your server today. What may I get you on this delightful day?" Daniel asks joyfully.

I look up as soon as his name gets processed in my brain.

Daniel Seavey.

Also known as, my ex.

"Oh, I'll have an orange juice." Jack says.

Daniel looks to me and waits for and answer. That's when it hits him.

"Oh my God, Zach!" He says, hugging me.

"I missed you so much!" He says while gripping me tightly.

I whisper in his ear, "Um... Meet my boyfriend, Jack..." 

He jerks up in realization and stares at Jack.

"Oh um... I'm so sorry." Daniel says.

"Who is this?" Jack asks me.

I get up and tell him all about Daniel. I tell him that we split up due to him cheating on me with another guy. Daniel is obviously single now but I have Jack, he has to understand that.

"Oh..." Jack says.

"Zach what may I get you?" Daniel says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh um... I'll get an orange juice as well." I answer.

Jack's POV

I won't lie, yes, I'm jealous.

Of course I'm not telling Zach that but after all, we won't see Daniel ever again after this. I hope.

Daniel walks away and me and Zach play would you rather. And us, being some weird ass dudes, come up with some pretty ridiculous ideas. 

Zach's POV

"Would you rather accidentally be responsible for the death of a child or accidentally be responsible for the deaths of three adults?" Jack asks me.

"Umm... A child. Less people to deal with and less people would be dead." I answer.

"Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside?" I ask him.

"Well, I've already found my true love so theirs only one other option...." Jack says. We both laugh.

We were in the middle of laughing when Daniel comes by with our food.

"Two eggs, friend, with a side of hash browns and toast." He says placing the plate in front of the me.

"And three scrambled eggs, with a side of tater tots and a bagel." Daniel says while handing the plate to Jack.

We say thank you and then Daniel sits down.

"Don't you have to work?" Jack asks him in a rude tone.

"Nope, it's my break. I thought I could get to catch up a bit with Zach and get to get to you you better." He replies.

Uh oh....





Idk what to do

Crying right now

Send help


Dying inside


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