Breaking Up?

549 14 19

Daniel's POV

I was wiping down a table when I notice Jack coming back in. He seemed to be angry.

"How dare you!" He yells at me.

"W-what?" I ask stubbornly.

"You know what!" He says while throwing a ketchup bottle across the room.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down. No need to get mad," I say calmly.

"There is a fucking reason to be mad, bitch!" He yells at me.

His hands form into fists and he seems to gain confidence.

He punches me right in the nose. I stumble a little and wince in pain.

"Leave my man the fuck alone!" He screams.

By now, my manager has came out of the backroom and is trying to get Jack to stop.

Jack picks up a napkin holder that is made out of metal and throws it at me. 

It hits me.

Right. In. The. Eye.

He must have hit something inside of me that he wasn't supposed to because the next thing I knew, I was out.

Jack's POV

Yes! I killed him!

Five doctors rush to the scene and start inspecting Daniel.

I hope he dies.

"Head trauma location in section 4, prepare for recovery," a doctor says. 

They load Daniel into the ambulance and send him away.

Someone must have said something to get this on the news because there were tons of news reporters questioning me afterwards.

I dodge them and head out to Zach.

"Yay! Did you see what I did over there?!" I ask him in excitement.

"Sure did," he says and walks away.

I catch up to him and ask him what's wrong.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?! You seriously need to ask that? You just hurt Daniel for no reason! He may be dead right now for all I know! You know what?" He says and pauses.

"....What?..." I ask.

"We are done. Forget the YouTube channel, forget us, forget everything we ever had!" He shouts.

I feel a tear drop down my cheek and quickly wipe it away.

He can't see me weak.

"B-but..." I start saying.

"But nothing," he says.

He walks away before I could finish.

"... I did that because I love you... I love you a lot more than you will ever know..." I whisper to myself.

"Everything is alright," I say to myself.

I need to pull myself together....

I need to...

I need...

I need to pull the trigger...




Go follow my best friend's YouTube channel!

Her channel name is, "Louisa Hughes : Limelight".

Go sub and like her video so she can continue uploading! :D

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