Big Decision

493 15 11

Jack's POV

I don't know what to say.

I know that I shouldn't be mad at him for the Daniel situation. Daniel started that, not him. 

But should I say yes?

I mean, he's helped me through difficult times and saved me from dying. But would I do the same thing in his case? I know he loves me but do I love him? I love him, of course. But do I LOVE him? Will I be willing to care for him for the rest of my life? Share expenses? Loan him money when he needs? Clean up after him? Adopt a child with him? Stay with him forever? 

I just don't know if I'm ready for a responsibly like this.

My gut says no.

But my heart says yes.


Zach's POV

What the f*ck is taking this guy so long to respond?! It's a yes or no answer dude!

Oh no... That must mean that he's thinking of ways to let me down slowly...

Why can't he just say yes and be mine forever? That's what I want. No matter how mad I get at him, I will always love him. Even if he cheats on me, I would still love him. After all, he would have a good reason for cheating. He would never cheat unless it was for something good like money or a house. He told me that himself one day. He makes me proud.

The only thing that would make me happier than with I'm with him is if I could officially call him mine.




That has a nice ring to it.

I need him to be mine.

All of a sudden I hear a small cough. I look over and see that Jack was ready to answer.


"I-I...." He starts to say.

The next thing I know, I am being trampled in a tight hug.

"I do, I f*cking do and always will," he replies. 

I smile and he kisses my lips.

It's like he's my addiction. Like cocaine or weed, only he's good for me.


Both POV's

He completes me.





So story about my real life. (Note to self: no one cares)

So there is this guy, let's call him Bill. Bill and I hate each other, for absolutely no reason. 

It was his birthday today (January 3rd) and the only reason why I know that is because my birthday is the 6th.

So, he lives near me and we go on the same bus and get off at the same bus stop.

I get off the bus with my friend and he gets off after us.

I say, "Hey Bill, Happy Birthday." 

I said it in a friendly way so of course my friend was shocked.

Then he fucking says, "you look nice today."


Last time I checked we hated each other and I say happy birthday to him and all of a sudden he says sh*t like that?!

Bro, wtf?!

Is that normal?

Do you guys have anyone who's like this?

𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now