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Talent, a word that can be describe with someone who have flawless skills in a certain area. Many people have it. Some are more talented then others or haven't found what they are good at. Wether it's hidden or unusual it what makes a person stand out so much from everyone else. Their own since of style, voice, and action in the world. It maybe beneficial to the person in the future for a career path even. But small percentage of people are known to be gifted talented.

Doing things without ease. Being able to do something without having the knowledge of what they are doing. Being able to make things look easy even if it's complex.

However, people who are known to be like that may see it as a curse or a blessing. Unfortunately for me it has been a curse since when things went wrong. You see, I was once talented. Hinting at the once. I could do many things in different skill areas.

Music, art, performance, and even possibly cooking or baking. I have people who were envious and held true jealousy. All because I could do things better then they can. Even members of my family had held jealousy.

Growing up many have put me down. Unfortunately, I let it happened. Their insults, comments, and actions got the best of me and I have stopped doing things I once enjoyed or showing off. I'm partially to blamed for because I let them put me down.

I never sang with meaning again. Never touched or played an instrument with enjoyment again. Never drew things that came from my heart again. Never had a passion to cook or bake something again. Never performed for the joys and happiness being on stage. I've lost it all and truth be told I felt empty.

Even till today I still feel empty. I may doodle or sing but in reality. I lost it all and there's no way I can got those back.  Even if there was people who tell me else-wise there has been nothing so depressing then to lose the spark that was once in you.

I have subjected myself to be nothing or talent-less. All I can do is smile and laugh alongside the most talented people I know in my life. That's what I'm good for. Being a supporter to others. It's not bad but it makes you feel lost at times. Not only that put you down.

I'm not jealous of those talented people nor do I envy them. It just made me remember at times that I once enjoy the talents I had that I thought were once a blessing. Maybe there will be a chance I'll get it back. But for now.

I'm just on the sidelines watching the most amazing talented people I know do something they enjoy like I once have and never being able to lose it like I did.

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