Low Morale

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- Corporal Georgie Lane - Army Medic
- Private Jason Curry "Ruby" - Army Medic
- Captain Charles James "Charlie"
- Captain Alexander McClyde "Bones"
- Platoon Sergeant King "Kingy"
- Private Maisie Richards - Army driver
-Private Harry Wiggerty "Brains"
-Private Jaiden Montgomery "Monk"
-Private Rab Kalil
-Private Frankie Stille "Fingers"
- "Peanuts" - Special forces soldier
- "Spanner" - Special forces soldier

A/N: As this is a story about the military it contains some Army slang. Feel free to ask for a translation of any terms used in the comments.

2 section were still in Bangladesh. It had been a week since Captain McClyde was killed by a bomb whilst trying to save his section. Bones was not the nicest of people and most of the section disliked him for his harsh comments but his death had shocked everyone; it could have been one of them if it wasn't for Bone's selfless actions.

Captain James was back to lead 2 section in the wake of Bone's death. Amongst the camp morale was very low, no one mentioned what happened that evening, they all just wanted to finish this tour and get home.

But there was still work to be done.

"Briefing at 1700 hours!" James told his section before making his way to the ops tent and shuffling around with his papers.

Promptly, at 5pm the whole section filled into the tent and stood to attention. "At ease 2 section" captain James ordered before beginning to point his finger at some documents. "We have intercepted some knowledge that later today there will be an arms deal of explosives deep in the heart of Bangladesh, special forces will he joining us, but first we are required to help with the recent cholera outbreak. Lane and Ruby, you will both be tasked with helping the medical staff treat the sick patients. The rest of you will help build a morgue for the fatalities. Now double away and return in full kit ready to get on the truck in 10 minutes." James finished his briefing and began to stock the truck with supplies.

As the truck drove through Dhaka, the centre of Bangladesh, Fingers noticed how hostile the environment was. "Boss, we are being followed, two bogies on a bike!" He raised the alarm as captain James shifted seats to peer out the back of the truck. He turned to Maisie "Foot down Richards we are being followed let's get out of here!" James ordered as Maisie revved the engine of the military truck and sped away from the village. Captain James sighed in relief as he noticed that they had lost the people pursuing them.

"How do they know we are here boss?" Lane asked adjusting her helmet.
"They knew we would be back after the death of Bones Lane, we wouldn't leave that easily." Captain James answered whilst keeping a look out for any more potential threats.

Eventually, the truck pulled up at the treatment facility. James gave the order for everyone to debus as Kingy unloaded all of the supplies. Lane and Ruby ran inside to assess the patients. The extent of the cholera outbreak was suddenly apparent; Black body bags littered the floor, hundreds of patients laid lifeless on mattresses and the stench of death lingered in the air. Lane quickly realised that she did not have enough supplies to treat everyone.

All of a sudden Ruby let out a cry for help "Lane! Young baby not breathing! No pulse!" Georgie ran over and began CPR. "Bag her!" she shouted as Ruby grabbed the oxygen mask and desperately tried to revive the child. But nothing could be done.

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