High Profile Target

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That evening, 2 section were cleaning their kit and tents for the usual morning inspections, when Captain James gave an urgent call for everyone to make their way to the ops tent.

Promptly, everyone filled in and stood to attention. James looked around the room, "Relax Guys, special forces have some important intel." He pointed at Spanner who stepped forward and began to speak in his strong Scottish accent, "As everyone knows Captain McClyde went missing this morning." Georgie chuckled loudly as Captain James shot her an authoritative glance from the other side of the room. "Is there a problem Lane?" He pointed her out in front of everyone and embarrassed her, to make sure she kept quiet.

She stared at him dead in the eye for a good few seconds before she replied, "No boss...no problem at all!" He grinned smugly and nodded his head whilst Spanner continued. "We have gathered intelligence of a high profile target who is believed to be the man behind the explosive deals." Spanner  turned to a projection behind him of a tall, muscular man with a long beard and cunning eyes before continuing on, "Abu Aktar. Evidence suggests he is behind the whole network of dealers and he also owns 2 weapon and bomb making factories." Spanner finished and handed back to Captain James, "We believe that Abu knows the whereabouts of Captain McClyde and therefore our mission is to capture him." In an instant, all of 2 section stared blankly at James - another dangerous and high stakes mission.

Captain James looked around at everyone who seemed slightly scared for this mission. "Once we have captured our target and Captain McClyde is rescued we will extract and leave Bangladesh immediately for some well deserved R&R!" He announced relieving the tension, as everyone seemed to lighten up after Captain James had confirmed that this would be the last mission. Monk threw up his arms in excitement, "Yes! I get to see my son once we are back in the UK!" James smiled and then straightened again, "Briefing at 0600 hours" he stated as he dismissed the room back to their tents for the night.

0600 hours the next morning; everyone was up and dressed in full kit ready to embark on the mission. James gave the final briefing of how the mission was going to be executed: Special forces will go in and take Abu hostage. Then once they know the location of Captain McClyde, 2 section will move in and rescue him.

Special forces arrived at Abu's apartment. "Delta fire team in position", they radioed as they kicked in the door and breached the property. They creeped cautiously through a dimly lit hallway until they reached a door standing like a guard at the end. Peanuts turned the doorknob and threw in a grenade "CLEAR!" He shouted loudly, as Spanner followed close behind "CLEAR!".

They both took it in turns to clear the rooms as they didn't know where the target was - or what was lurking behind each door.

James had his team in position outside the apartment incase they required backup, his job was just to sit tight and listen for the call sign to say they had eyes on the target.

Peanuts and Spanner were preparing to clear another room, when suddenly all comms went down. Captain James hit the communications box hard, "Come on!" He growled aggressively pushing all of the different buttons to try and get some signal. "Delta Fire Team this is Charlie Fire Team can you hear me, over?". No reply. "ARRRHH COME ON!" James growled again, rapidly pressing his receiver.

"CODE RED. I REPEAT CODE RED!" Finally. James sat back in relief; comms was back up and special forces had the target. "Only one problem Boss" James heard Spanner's voice crack over the radio "His dead.."

James aggressively threw up his arms, "What do you mean his dead? How are we meant to find Captain McClyde when you have killed the bloody target!" James was far from impressed, in fact he was closer to exploding then the explosives.

All hope that they had of finding Captain McClyde was now lost. He had nothing else to say. "Bloody extract immediately, you have done enough damage!" He hissed down his radio - trying his hardest not to completely loose it.

"We messed up big time!" Spanner admitted shamefully as he turned to Peanuts, "To right we did but it was us or him!" Peanuts pointed out, trying to make his comrade feel better. Then suddenly, from the room next door, Spanner heard someone move followed by aggressive murmurs. He glanced at Peanuts who glanced right back as they both raised their weapons in sync and walked towards the door. "In 3...2...1!" Spanner kicked the door in as they both scrambled into the room clutching their weapons like their lives depended on it.

As they looked around they spotted Captain McClyde laying on the cold, solid, wooden floorboards tied up in the middle of the room; his body was covered in deep purple and black bruises with a few spotted on his face and around his eyes, his arms and legs were bound with rope and his wrists had sore red wounds around them where the rope was tied too tight, he had a rag shoved in his mouth and his chest was covered completely in claret where his wounds were bleeding through the bandages that he was previously treated with.

Immediately, Peanuts was clearly shaken and gobsmacked by what he saw, but nevertheless he managed to radio for Georgie, "Medic! It's Captain McClyde!" He screamed down his radio in utter distress. She raced instantly from the military truck outside and up the numerous flights of stairs to the apartment.

As Georgie crouched by Bones' side, he was slipping in and out of consciousness..

A/N: Poor old Bones is in trouble again but what will happen next?

Just a quick authors note. I really enjoy writing this story and I hope you enjoy reading it too. Please vote if you are loving it and let me know in the comments what you think as it makes all the writing and ideas worthwhile. A new update is in working progress and coming soon.

Thank you :)

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