Special Forces

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Back at the base, Kingy was pacing around the ops tent fearing what had happened to Captain James and his Corporal Georgie. In some way he was relieved that they had been kidnapped together and that they had each other -but he couldn't even begin to imagine the horrors that they could be enduring.

He found himself lost in the moment, staring out of the window, hoping that by some miracle James and Georgie were alright.

When suddenly a black Range Rover pulled up at the large iron gates that guarded the compound. Kingy watched as the Bangladesh guards walked over to search the vehicle. They were not expecting anyone, so Kingy clutched his rifle to his chest. However, he lowered his weapon when he saw Spanner jump out from the drivers seat and flash an ID card at the guards who then hurriedly allowed the vehicle into the FOB.

Kingy alerted everyone "Guys! Special forces have arrived! Everyone outside!" As 2 section ran outside to greet special forces they saw Peanuts hold the car door open and give a hand to Georgie and Captain James who wearily stepped out of the vehicle. Fingers jumped in excitement and ran over pulling Georgie into a warm embrace "I'm so glad your safe!" He expressed turning to Captain James "I'm glad you're safe too boss!" James chuckled "for a moment then Fingers I thought I was getting a hug too! I'm glad I didn't!" He smirked. Monk quickly butted in "So what happened Boss? It's good to have you back and that but who is after us?" James changed his tone "Thank you for reminding me Monk. I need everyone in the ops tent now!" With that all of 2 section, including special forces, marched off to the ops tent under Captain James' instruction.

Everyone was gathered and sat around in the ops tent when special forces marched in alongside Captain James. Immediately they all stood to attention as their Captain made his way to the front, he nodded his head "as you were guys" he said turning around to point at a map behind him. "This compound here is known to be an explosive depo, knowledge suggests that at 2200 hours a van will leave here and make its way to this compound North of Dhaka where we were on our humanitarian mission. It is believed that we got in their way which led to our capture earlier. However, we will not dwell on that." Georgie's eyes widened Captain James was telling a huge lie but they had to keep their promise to Bones. James looked at Georgie before continuing on "Our mission is to breach the first compound and stop the deal of explosives being transported." Captain James turned away from the map behind him and leaned over the table in front which was covered in another huge plan. "Delta Fire Team led by Peanuts will launch an assault by support helicopter and take out the sentry guards at these 4 key locations, Charlie Fire team led by Kingy will then launch a diversionary attack here. Once the compound is secure we will extract immediately whilst special forces deal with the explosives. Any questions?" Lane nodded "and where is the casualty evacuation point boss?" James turned back to the plan and pointed his finger at a sheltered area within the compound "CCP will be set up here Lane" he reassured.

Everyone now believed that the briefing was over but James was not quite done, he softened his voice "this is a dangerous mission guys I need you all switched on for this one. Stay focused. Stay alert. Stay alive."

"Yes boss" Everyone agreed and left the tent to prepare for the longest night of their lives...

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