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Instantaneously, 20 people jumped out from the shrubs along the road and approached 2 section. They had been ambushed and they were heavily outnumbered.

Monk, Brains and Fingers began to fire at the insurgents but James and Lane were promptly grabbed, hooded and taken away. Kingy took charge "EVERYONE ON THE TRUCK LETS FOLLOW THEM!" But the van accelerated into the distance leaving the rest of 2 section long behind.

James and Lane were taken to a disused warehouse, they didn't even know that they had been kidnapped together. When they arrived they were aggressively grabbed and thrown out the vehicle. Then they were walked into the warehouse where their hands were bound with cable ties anchoring them to a chair.

Both James and Georgie were left in the room feeling extremely disoriented and fearful.

"Remove the hoods!" Someone cried, the voice seemed all too familiar to James and Georgie but their senses were confused; they just believed that it was their minds playing tricks.

Abruptly, the hoods were ripped off of their heads, the light suddenly flooded in through their eyes, blinding them. James squinted against the bright light as he could see someone in the silhouette. It was an intimidating man standing there with his arms crossed like a lion eying up its prey. Georgie's eyes adjusted first and she couldn't believe what she saw. She thought it was her eyes going mad.

"B-B-Bones" Georgie splattered feeling frightful but some what relieved to see someone she knew. James was filled with utter confusion "1) I swear you died and 2) what are you doing here?" James couldn't believe it either but he was suspicious that maybe Bones had switched sides.

"Let me explain myself!" Bones chuckled. "Yes! I believe that is necessary!" Lane called sarcastically. Bones uncrossed his arms and began to speak "It was your team of morons that blew my cover in Nigeria, since then I have been on the most wanted list. I had a choice, either leave the army and live a normal life or fake my own death so they no longer come looking for me."
James nodded piecing it all together "And you decided to fake your own death?" "That is correct, I couldn't imagine after everything just living a normal life." Bones frowned.

James could for once sympathise with him. He hadn't been the same since Elvis' death but in the same way he couldn't imagine leaving the army either, as he knew 2 section needed him. "So why did you kidnap us, you could have just told us all of this at the base?" Georgie was burning to ask the question. Bones chuckled once again "I had to get some enjoyment out of it!" Georgie grew angry that Bones had frightened the life out of them for his own entertainment. "No seriously" Bones began again "I cant have my cover blown again and no one can know about this meeting. Peanuts and Spanner will drive you back to the FOB where you must act like they rescued you. Best of luck with the mission tonight!" Bones smiled. "Wait, how do you know about the mission tonight?" James spoke up. "Charlie, don't be so stupid, I'm special forces aren't I? Plus I'm working inside the explosive dealer gang. All will be revealed!" Bones smugly explained.

"Anyway, Peanuts and Spanner are ready to take you back. I repeat no one can find out about me. Is that clear?" Georgie and Lane both nodded before Bones cut them free and they walked out after a very strange ordeal.

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