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*2 weeks later*

Days earlier, Alex and Georgie had returned from their honeymoon together. Now, Georgie was clearing out her belongings from her family home and getting ready to move in with Alex permanently. 

She pulled a small cardboard box from under her bed and began to look through it. Eventually, after shifting through year old ration packs, an old flask and other miscellaneous objects she found a crumbled up envelope that she recognised all too well.

She sat back on her bed and gently eased the letter from the flimsy envelope being careful not to rip it. Tears welled up in her eyes. As she read each sentence, she heard his deep but soothing voice speaking to her again.

"Maybe. Just maybe, if anything good ever happens. Think that it could just be me, having a word with God. Sorting it out for you."

Those words meant more to Georgie now than they ever did. When Elvis first died she thought she would never find happiness again. But, Alex had proved her completely wrong. Now, she really did believe that her good fortune was a blessing from Elvis.

Smiling painfully, she folded the letter back up and put it on top of a new pile.

"Definitely keep!"

Then she dragged another box from under the bed and continued her sorting. "Memories" had been scribbled across the top in marker pen as she ripped the top off the box to have a look. Inside were different photographs, retelling events in Georgie's life.

"Ugh. Look at that beret! How did they allow that!" She pointed out in disgust, at how wonky her beret looked hanging off the side of her head during her first passing out parade.

Then she picked up another and inspected it. "Oh gosh!" She chuckled as she noticed in one of the photographs she was completely out of step.

"I'm keeping this whole box!" She decided, dumping it into the boot of her car.


"Could you help me bring the stuff in please, love." Georgie grinned sweetly as Alex put on his shoes and rushed outside to help unload the boxes from the car.

He tried his best to make it look easy to impress Georgie but she stood in the doorway chuckling as he moaned and groaned about what she must have packed into them. "Bloody hell Georgie! Did you pack the kitchen sink!" He joked, setting the box down halfway and limbering up whilst panting profusely.

Eventually 4 large boxes packed full of important items and clothes, were hauled upstairs and set down in the spare room until they had time to unpack.

"Right! We better get going love." Alex announced, leaning against the kitchen cabinet and downing the last dregs of his tea.

Unfortunately, there was no time for Georgie to unpack, settle in and make herself at home as they both had to dash off to work. Neither of them were operational anymore as they couldn't bare the heart ache of leaving each other and never knowing if they would return. But, they both still worked in the army; Alex as a PTI (Physical Training Instructor) and Georgie as a medical officer.

Arriving at ATC Pirbright, Georgie and Alex kissed each other before departing in separate directions.


"Good morning Lieutenant." Georgie saluted as she was handed a file which contained her work for the day.

"2 section are being deployed to Syria. They all need to have a full medical examination and be declared fit for duty before they can go."

Georgie nodded, making her way back to the medical bay and taking stock checks of her supplies.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" Georgie replied to the faint knocking. Maisie walked in and sat down opposite Georgie as she began the medical inspection.

"It's gonna be well weird without you on this tour!" Maisie admitted.

Georgie smiled as she applied a pressure cuff around her arm.

"I'm glad my touring days are over. Is James back yet?"

"We were told James is recovering well but might not return as commanding officer."

Maisie took a breath.

"We have a new CO now, Bobby Harte."

Georgie froze. "Bobby Harte." she repeated. "Not related to Elvis by any chance?"

"Well we think he is!" Maisie shouted.

"But, he doesn't reveal much about himself."

Georgie made a mental note that she needed to find out more about Bobby before she changed the subject.

"How are you and Rab getting on?" Georgie asked whilst poking and prodding at Maisie's torso.

"He got transferred. Haven't seen him since." Maisie looked at the floor in despair before she perked back up again. "He's an idiot anyway!" She shrugged it off.


"Next!" Georgie called as Fingers walked in. She didn't recognise him. He had bulked up in muscle, was dressed pristinely and now held himself in a prestigious manner.

"Fingers! I didn't even recognise you!" Georgie announced as she prepared to take a blood sample.

"Roll your sleeves up please."

He grinned smugly at the opportunity to boast. "I made it into special forces! Im a para now." He gloated, pointing at the para wings sown neatly onto the arm of his uniform.

The medical should have only taken a few minutes but Fingers sat their for ages telling Georgie all about SF selection and how he was finding working with his new unit.


Moments later another soldier stumbled in for their pre-deployment medical.

"Lieutenant. I believe we haven't met."

A tall, dark handsome man stood in the doorway, blocking the light. He had Elvis' chocolate brown eyes and the same grainy skin tone. At first, Georgie had to double take as she thought Elvis had walked in. However, their were a few features that set them apart.

"I'm Captain Bobby Harte." He announced shaking Georgie's hand.

"I'm Lieutenant Georgie McClyde." She replied, shaking a little from how similar he looked to Elvis. She wanted to ask him if he was related to Elvis or if this was just a huge coincidence. But he seemed too professional, work focused and rushed so she bit her tongue and held back.

Had Georgie not been married and told Bobby that her name was Georgie Lane he would have remembered her.

The new CO of 2 section and the man she was about to declare fit for combat was Elvis' brother.

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