This can't be real

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Inside the ops tent, Georgie stood rooted to the spot staring at the flip chart in the centre. Captain McClyde's photograph jumped off of the page as Georgie didn't know what to think. She was away with her own thoughts when, from the corner of her eye, something caught her attention.

A small laptop device, which had been carelessly left on a chair, flashed with a notification of a new email. Georgie knew full well that she shouldn't have opened the email, but she didn't know who she could trust anymore so she opened it anyway. It was from the Brigadier:

"Well done Team"

Georgie swallowed hard, she simply couldn't understand why the Brigadier was congratulating them - they had shot one of their own and nearly killed him.

Georgie was trapped in her thoughts and could not just stop there as she clicked "view all emails". Her heart suddenly sank when she read the first email on the thread:

"RE: Urgent Mission

Our whole mission in Bangladesh has been jeopardised. Due to Captain McClyde's cover being compromised you are the next target. For your own safety you must neutralise Captain McClyde to prove he is not one of your men. You must let him get away in tonight's mission, then you can move in. Good luck."

Georgie's eyes widened as she re-read the email over and over again, she couldn't believe it. Bones' own team targeted him to save their own backs. She felt sick to the pit of her stomach that his own comrades would be willing to do that.

She eventually decided that she had seen enough. There was the risk of James and the Paras coming back and getting busted if she stayed there any longer snooping about. She promptly left and headed back to her own tent; diving back into her bed, a tear trickled down her face at the thought that special forces were willing to sacrifice Bones.

The next morning, the sun shined brightly into Georgie's tent awaking her. Instantly, she got out of bed, put on her uniform and headed to the mess for some breakfast. On her way there she spotted Captain James making his way to breakfast too, he glanced at her and smiled totally unaware of what Georgie found out last night. Georgie just looked away, she was too angry about the secrets he had kept from her.

After finishing her breakfast she grabbed another tray and went back round to get some to take to Bones in the hospital. "Morning! I brought you breakfast Captain!" She joyfully called as she entered the medical tent where Bones was being treated. But the bed was empty. She thought he might have just gone to the toilet or gone for a walk - he never liked being restricted in what he was able to do. However, she quickly noticed the drip, which was attached to the back of his hand, had been ripped out, it now dangled from the bed post amongst a drop of blood.

She rapidly ran to find someone "CAPTAIN MCCLYDE IS GONE!" She cried as Captain James appeared from the mess tent "What? Where's he gone?" Georgie's blood began to boil as she frowned "Don't act like you don't know!" She hissed at her Captain before turning away. "Lane come back!" He shouted as he ran after her and grabbed the lapel of her uniform pulling her closer. "I don't know what you mean Lane" he whispered in her face. Georgie couldn't stay angry at him for long as his dark chocolate brown eyes charmed her. "You know exactly what is going on!" She tried to tell him, without admitting what she discovered last night. "Anyway" She began changing the subject "we need to find Bones. He is in a bad state and will not be able to defend himself!" Captain James shook his head "We can't Lane, we put ourselves at risk" Georgie's anger blew back up "What happened to never leave a man behind? His one of us isn't he?" She snapped.

Captain James paused for a moment and tightly crossed his arms around his middle "you're right Lane he saved our lives so I guess we have a duty to save his." Georgie couldn't contain herself as she blurted out "Special forces wouldn't agree!" Suddenly, the penny dropped in Captain James' head "you know don't you Georgie? You heard us last night?" He questioned whilst glaring at her. "Know what Charlie?" She fired back being obstinate and trying to avoid his question. James sighed deeply "You are always getting yourself into trouble Lane!" he jokingly called over his shoulder as he walked back to his tent.

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