Miles Apart

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Bursts of thunder rumbled across the gravel sky, camouflaged to match the bleak greyness of the road ahead.

As Alex accelerated down the motorway, the tires of his car sent rain drops hurtling from the road, into the air like small projectiles. His windscreen wipers swayed side to side rapidly, allowing him to just about make out the car in front, amongst the mist of pouring rain.

Approaching the large black iron gates that guarded RAF Brize Norton, Georgie's stomach churned nervously as her eyes spotted the tall watch tower standing proudly beside the large brick-red building. Alex cautiously reversed his car into a parking space before stepping out. He retrieved Georgie's bergen and kit bag from the boot and swung them effortlessly across his broad, muscular shoulders. Then, he walked over to Georgie and placed his arm around her, pulling her underneath his arm to shelter her from the rain.

Walking into the building, Alex flashed his ID at one of the guards, as they made their way over towards the check-in booth. Captain James saw them approaching and walked towards them, handing Georgie a mission brief. "Ready for another tour, Georgie?" He asked her, whilst she scanned the file. She sighed unenthusiastically. "Ready as always, Boss." She lied. Her heart was obviously sinking at the idea of leaving Alex. "Good to hear." James smiled. Georgie handed her passport to the straight faced soldier standing behind the booth, he quickly stamped it before ordering the next person forward.

"RIGHT, 2 SECTION!" Captain James' loud and authoritative voice echoed through Brize Norton as everyone's attention was instantly drawn towards him. "Start boarding the plane. Let's move!" He commanded, ushering everyone outside. Georgie kissed Alex passionately as he put his hands around her waist. "Stay safe, George." He whispered trying not to show his emotion, but Georgie could sense his stiffness. Turning to James, Alex shook his hand and pulled it into his chest. "Look after her Charlie." He whispered, almost threateningly. "You have my word, mate." James replied, picking up his own bags and heading for the runway. Alex walked with Georgie outside until they came to a large slate-grey C-17 Globemaster III aircraft.

Enormous, bulky and intimidating. The sheer size of the aircraft made Georgie shudder. It had ferried many soldiers overseas during its time in service. Georgie glanced at the Union Jack proudly painted on the side and prayed that the two gigantic engines attached to each wing, would get them to Nigeria safety.

Sweetly kissing Georgie's forehead, Alex held her tightly into his chest, as he gently brushed a tear from her face using his thumb. Captain James could see that Georgie was the last to get on the aircraft. He stood at the door looking back at her, before he decided to sort out the others and let her have a moment with Alex. "Everything is going to be okay." Alex whispered softly, kissing her tear stained cheeks. "When you get free time you can FaceTime me. It will be just like when you are home." He continued, desperately trying to reassure her. They kissed one last time; then Georgie forced her bags over her shoulder, put on a brave face and stepped on board.

Alex stood rooted to the ground, watching Georgie take her seat amongst the other soldiers and glance back at him through the small circular window. He slowly raised his hand, putting it to his lips and blowing her a kiss. He did it with the exact same cheeky smile that Elvis had. Georgie wanted to burst into tears as all the memories came flooding back to her. She had now moved on with Alex, but Elvis will always have a special place in her heart.

He watched as the plane engine suddenly fired into life, letting off an enormous roar and killing the surrounding silence. In an instant, the aircraft had rapidly rushed off of the runway as it began to swiftly climb, ascending into the open air. He continued waving until the plane resembled nothing more than a dot between two clouds of cotton candy. He stood alone on the grounds for a while, looking down at his watch and trying to decide what to do now Georgie was gone. When suddenly, he was abruptly disturbed. A middle aged male pilot dressed in full uniform marched over to him. "Excuse me." He called as his eyes locked on to the highly decorated epaulettes on Alex's uniform. "Sorry Sir." The pilot began again as Alex turned his head. "Yes, Daniels?" Alex replied, quickly reading the name badge on his uniform. "Could you not stand on the runway please Sir." Daniels asked hesitantly. Apologising, Alex pulled himself away from his state of desolation. "I'm terribly sorry." He announced.

That was his cue to leave.

*4,532 miles away - Lagos, Nigeria.*

The bright white lights that had accompanied 2 section for the duration of the flight, where suddenly turned to dull red glows as the aircraft entered Lagos airspace. Suddenly, the hustling amongst the soldiers stopped as Captain James cleared his throat. "We will be landing shortly. Please make sure you take everything with you." He stated.

Swiftly declining, the aircraft dived as it came into land. From the windows Georgie could see the thirst-quenched patches of ground below that seemed inhabitable, making the surroundings appear deserted and barren.

"Let's move!" Captain James commanded, leaping from the aircraft and quickly ushering everyone off behind him. Once everyone had left, Captain James gave a final inspection of the aircraft before it departed. He noticed a small camo helmet laying underneath one of the chairs. Picking it up, he read the name inside.

Moments later, 2 section were bundling into a Nigerian army truck to be taken to their temporary base. As Georgie lifted her leg up to climb on board, James stopped her. "Have you got everything, Lane?" He asked calmly. Georgie widened her eyes. "I believe so, boss." James held up her helmet. "You won't be needing this then?" He asked, subtly. Georgie signed heavily as James handed her the helmet. "I'm here for you Georgie." He began softly. "Make sure you are honest about your feelings." He continued, swallowing hard. "I know what it's like to be away from -" He was quickly cut short by Kingy. "Boss, we are about to leave." James nodded, putting his hand on Georgie's back and helping her to step up on to the truck, before he climbed on board himself.

James could see that something was weighing Georgie down. The rest of the section were happily mumbling to each other; Monk was showing off pictures of him and his son. Georgie just sat in silence, totally uninterested in anything anyone had to say. James smiled at her as she forced a smile back. Before they knew it, the truck was driving through the gates of the compound. Upon arrival, James granted everyone time to unpack their kit and settle into their accommodation. Georgie couldn't get away quick enough.

"Hello, beautiful!" Alex's joyful voice echoed through the speakers on Georgie's IPad as she faked a smile. "I got here alright." She replied flatly. "Well, that's a positive!" He smirked, noting how dreary Georgie seemed. She could hear the elated cries of Alex's two sons in the background which made her feel even more homesick. "I hate it here already." Georgie sighed, glancing around the sleeping quarters to make sure she was alone. Alex frowned at how unhappy she was - he just wished he could be with her and make everything better.

After a few minutes of Alex desperately trying to console her, Georgie heard the heavy footprints of Captain James entering the room. "I better go now!" She whispered blowing Alex a kiss. " you.." She ended the call and frantically rushed around, trying to find something to dry her eyes. When suddenly, James appeared. "Everything alright, Lane?" He asked, seeing how panicked she was to see him. She stuttered "Yep..Everything is alright!" She faked a smile again. "Good." James nodded. "We are needed to train the Nigerian army now. Be outside in 5 minutes." He commanded.


Tensely, Abdul, stepped out from amongst the other soldiers. The Nigerian Army wore a different colour camouflaged uniform compared to the British Army, different berets and had the Nigerian flag proudly stitched onto the arm of their uniform. Abdul held his rifle tightly to his chest as he began his training. Captain James stood authoritatively in the corner of the training room; he was wearing his high visibility jacket to obey health and safety protocol. Abruptly, a grinding noise of mechanical cogs broke the tension as a wooden target sprung up, inches away from the soldier.


Captain James scowled as he scribbled down notes on his clip board. "You don't shoot innocent people." James proclaimed sternly, noticing a bullet hole in the wooden cutout of an innocent woman. "Try again." James sighed, clearly loosing his patience.

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