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Toni pov

I woke up with no feelings in my legs. That alone made me burst out in tears. At this point i dont want to finish the tour. I just want to get away from Kenny and have some time to myself

Tamar: Toni open the door

Toni: i cant move

Tamar: why you sound like you crying

Toni: just give me a minute

Tamar: okay 10 is all you get

I heard her foot steps walk away

I grabbed my phone and saw a miss call and a message from Kenny. I opened the message reading the fuckers paragraph.

Kenny: I'm sorry for what I did last night. I couldn't help it. It was wrong of me too and I hope you can forgive me. I have been in love with you since the day you talked in laface short skinny and cute. That day I met the most caring beautiful sensitive being in the world. I watch how you laughed and your noise crunched up every time la tries to make a joke. How scared you were to put your input on things. And your eyes and voice that was so mesmerizing. I met the love of my life that night and you still is. I promise to leave you alone and be happy even if I don't want you too. I'll marry Nichole in two mouth and be out of your hair. I hope he's the one for you and that your happy it's strictly business between us. I love you princess.

I started crying because of course I can't get over him in a day. He's still the love of my life and the man who has my heart,but he made his choice when he called her baby and kissed her in front of me after he promise he was gonna leave her. I'm not waiting on him or becoming a second choice . If we are meant to be together then time will come around.

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