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Kenny pov

"Toni come here." I yelled and she did.

"Yes baby." She said and I mentioned her to come towards me.

She stood in between my legs and I grabbed her hands.

"What's wrong do you need me to do anything."

"No I just gotta tell you something."

"Okay what is it."

"I want us to break up." I said and she frowned.


"I don't love you anymore. I wanna see other people. I wanna be single again." I said and she nodded pulling her hands away from me.

She didn't say nothing else she just sniffles in her tears as she grabbed her car keys.

"I'll come back tomorrow to get my stuff." She said lowly putting on her shoes.

"I hope when can still be friends."

"I'd rather not." She said before walking out the door.  I looked at the camera sighing. I could hear her crying and I heard the door close and I turned the camera off. I didn't wanna do it, but I had to get her back for the prank she did. It was about time I did. I was mad at the fact that she didn't fight. She just accepted it, she didn't fight for us.

Tamar pov

The girl's and I was holding in our laughs as Toni cried in our arms about her and Kenny.

"I been through all this shit and for what. I'm done dating after this. No more niggas is saying that they claimed me because I'm on fuckin lock down." She said wiping her eyes.

"I'm Toni Braxton. Men are lined up for miles and I'm gonna stop walking around like a just got murdered and came back as a ghost. I'm going out." She said going into my closet.

Hell if she going out then I'm going out too. I'm about to witness what single Toni looks like, I did text Kenny tho because if she start wilding ion need him blaming me.


Toni was grinding and dancing on these dudes like it was no tomorrow. She had a couple drinks too, because before that she was hesitant, she just wanted to get her mind off it, but now she was cutting up.

Kenny walked in and we took a step back.

"Tonis about to get it." Traci said

"True, but's she's also single- ish." Trina said.

Toni pov

I was grinding my hips on this guy swaying to the music when Kenny pulled me away.

"Why are you here bothering me I thought we were over."

"So you just get over me that quick. That's some hoe shit."

"Well I guess I'mma hoe then." I said and he grabbed me pulling me outside.

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