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Kenny pov

I sat in the hospital waiting for her to wake up. Why the fuck wasn't she waking up.

"Omg Toni." Her mother said as she walked in with Toni sisters.

"What's wrong why isn't she moving." Tamar asked.

"She's in a coma. The doctor said She had a lupus flare and with everything her body couldn't take it and she passed out." I said.

"Toni wake up i. I need you." Tamar says crying.

"This all my fault. She told me to stay and i didn't listen and now look." I said. I was so upset with myself.

"You cant blame yourself." Her mom said and i wasn't tryna hear what she was saying.

I left out going to nicholes house. I knew he wouldn't still be at mine and i knew he wouldn't go to the hospital.

I pulled up and knocked on the door and nichole opened it and before she could say anything i punched her ass.

She was a bitch and she been trying me and toni for the longest.

I walked in seeing him on the couch looking awful.

"Aye man please i didn't mean it." He said and i shot his other leg.

"You got my girl laid up in the hospital and you talking about you didn't mean it." I said shooting his shoulder.

"P please I'll do anything." He begged coughing trying not to move.

"You can do something for me and that's dying." I said shooting him in the head.

Nichole started to scream and i pointed it at her.

"If you not gonna do right by peyton stay out my fuckin life cause next time you gone be dead just like that nigga." I said before leaving..

I drove to the bar and drunk my life away.

Tamar pov

"Toni i love you like so much. Im sorry for being a brat sometimes i was just jealous at how strong you are and how talented, how lovable you are. Your the best big sister i could ever ask for and i want you to open your eyes so i can tell you how much i missed and love you." I said crying.

"Toni please it's so much that we yet to do. What im i gonna do without my midget." Towanda said causing us to giggle.

Momma was praying on her.

It was like a minute later when her body started to shake up and down and she shot up breathing heavily.

We all hugged her squeezing her tightly.

"Omg i love you so much/i dont know what i would do without you/you scared me." We all talked at the same time.

"I im okay. Where's kenny."

"He left. He said it was his fault." Momma said and i called him.

He answered and i told him that toni was awake and he told me that he would be here as fast as he could.

"Hes on his way."

"How are you feeling." Traci asked and she started crying.

"It was awful. I was so scared and i felt so helpless." She said

"It's okay just breath." Momma said.

We all got ourselves together and me and towanda got in the bed with her

"I feel okay now i just have a small headache, but other then that im okay." She said.

Kenny came bussing in and momma said we should go so they could have there alone time. So we said goodbye to them before going home.

Toni pov

When they left kenny came to me hugging me so tightly.

"Im sorry baby i should have listened to you. Those papers could have waited." He said and i pulled back from the hug and kissed him.

"You didn't know and plus im okay so were gonna be okay." I said wiping his eyes.

He stood up shaking his head.

"I did some shit that i cant come back from this time."

"Kenny you didn't." I said on the verge of crying.

"I did." He said and i burst into tears.

"Kenny that's 25 years or more." I said and he shrugged.

"So what i was suppose to do. Talk to him like a person. Tell him to don't do it again. That nigga put his hands on you, tried to rape you and just had you in a coma. What i was suppose to shake his hand. That nigga was gonna die toni and there was nothing you could say to make me feel bad about putting a bullet to his head." He said.

"Kenny what im i suppose to do without you." I said and he pulled me into his arms.

"You gone live yo life."

"But i dont want a life that your not in. I don't want this to be the end of our story."

"The story we have already is big enough to make a book already. So much shit has happened between us that im just happy for the 6 happy months we had." He said and i shook my head.

"No im not gonna lose you. Let's run away together."

"If you haven't noticed your toni braxton and im babyface im pretty sure we cant just leave this life. You were just talking about putting out a new record for your fans and now you want to leave them."

"If you ask them they would tell me to be with the man i love. Kenny i love you so much and i-." Before i could finish he kissed me.

"Your voice went up too many octaves." He said and i hit him.

"Is there something we can do." I asked.

"Yes, but-." I cut him off.

"Kenny there's no but. If you dont find a way out of this i will kick your black ass do you understand me." I said yanking him by his shirt.

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