Chapter 40

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I stared up at him intently as I took in how much older he looked now.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I'm a tutor" he bluntly replied. "What happened to America? I thought you and Kendall were happy over there?" Logan sarcastically asked.
"We are- I'm here to become an author. Then I'm going back to New York" I told him.
By his facial expressions, I guessed he hasn't forgiven me or Kendall for leaving.
"Look- I'm sorry we left. We had to!" I explained.
"You didn't even ring to say you were back" Logan pointed out.
"I've only been here a few weeks!" I argued.
"Well Mum and Dad will be happy to see you. They always talk about you and Kendall" Logan said.
"Maybe I could visit tonight?" I asked.
"I'd like that" Logan replied with a soft smile.

That evening I dressed in my hoodie and leggings and grabbed a taxi over to Kent. It was a good hour away but I knew it would be worth it eventually. I was really worried what to say. 'Sorry I left!' Or 'Sorry for not calling!'
I knew either way it would be awkward and near enough embarrassing. As soon as the taxi pulled up to their house, I took a deep breath and walked up the pathway to their front door. I gently knocked on the clear glass door as in awaited an answer.
Logan opened the door and led me through the well-decorated hall. As we walked into the living room my mum and Dad stared at me- processing what they saw in front of them... the daughter who left them!
"Rachel!!" They shouted in excitement.
They ran up to me and hugged me.
"How have you been? What's America like?! What are you doing here?!" They eagerly asked.
They led me to the sofa as I took a seat on the sofa beside them.
"America is great. And I'm here to peruse my dreams I guess" I said with a nervous laugh.
"Why don't I make ya all a cuppa?" My Mum offered.
"Thanks" I replied.

As my mum left, my dad turned on the tv. He switched each and every channel until he stopped at one. It was showing impractical jokers. My dad began laughing as he watched the channels. It was Sal's turn. I smiled to the tv as I felt as if I was in his presence again. My dad glanced over to me and saw my eyes glued to the screen.
"Do you like this show?" My Dad asked me.
"I do actually" I replied with a smile. "Whose your favourite?" I asked him.
"I think Sal is very funny" he replied. I couldn't help but smile to myself.
"He's mine too" I replied. "I actually know them" I told him.
"Really?!" My Dad quizzed.
"Yep. I went in a sorta vacation with them last month" I explained. My dad looked at me shocked.
"Me and Sal are dating... well kinda.... it's complicated" I stuttered.
"REALLY?! You and Sal?!?!" He replied in excitement.
"Yep but we have been through a rough patch recently" I truthfully told him.
"Me and you mother have been through millions of rough patches. But we come out stronger each time. The most important thing is if you love each other- don't give up!" My Dad wisely told me.

Once dinner was over and I got home, I thought constantly over what my dad said. It got me thinking- I really want things to work out between me and Sal. So I'm going to power through it. I love him so much and I don't ever want to let him go!

When I u kicked my front door, I almost slipped over a few envelopes. I picked them up and scanned through when I saw one that was written in Sals writing. He must have replied to my letter!! I sat on the sofa and read through each word he had written. My hand traced over the ink that was in the paper. I desperately wanted to reply, so I grabbed my notebook and began writing.

Dear Sal,
I was so happy to see you had replied! I miss you more than anything. I miss seeing your gorgeous eyes when I wake up, hearing your beautiful laugh, I'm missing your cute smile. But most of all I'm missing you.
I visited my parents today. Turns out my dad is a fan of the show. And your his favourite joker! Then he asked me and I had to agree with him :)
I'm not really sure what we are at the moment. Wether we are best friends? In a relationship?
But I want to be honest with you... I'm miserable without you. Life isn't the same without you by my side. I want to make a go of fixing our relationship.
I love you,
From Rachel xxx

As I sealed the envelope I thought more and more about what my dad said... so I decided to ring Sal....

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