Chapter 3

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Kong's POV

As much as I want to unleash my inner demon on him as soon as I stepped into the office, I still have to sort out some of the not so minor details. Which is exactly why I am at work already and it is barely the crack of dawn. And yet I couldn't put my plot into motion cause guess who else was already here? Did the man seriously not have a life outside of the company. Even I have to begrudgingly admit that he works insanely hard. Maybe that's the problem. If he was probably getting laid a little more, he wouldn't be thinking of ways to make my life hell.

And it's not like he is particularly bad looking or anything. Take for instance my best friend May's very benevolent move to this department had very little to do with me and very much to do with ogling him every chance she got. And no matter how much I told her that their ship had absolutely no chance of ever sailing, she refused to believe me. I wasn't saying this just to discourage her from getting together with Satan, cause in all honestly losing my friend to the devil would surely suck, but in this case I was actually being pretty truthful. Anyone with reasonable eyesight could see he was stuck like super glue on one of our co-worker. Which might explain his never ending celibacy, and my constant urge to snap his neck.

But apparently I work with a bunch of blind bats who have yet to figure out why he is all smiles only around her. They haven't even concluded the reason why I keep running up to her desk everytime I see him march into the floor looking in a particularly dark mood. If P'Arthit was the devil haunting my one shoulder, his love interest P'Preet was my guardian angel beating him back from the other. Honestly, if I wasn't shamelessly using her as my protective shield, the bullets P'Arthit shoots at me every day would have slaughtered me ages ago. In fact P'Preet plays a very important role in my revenge.

So I continued masterminding the plan in my head while working on the estimates I was supposed to finish yesterday. And since I had no intentions of dragging my wet ass to work close to 10 last night, I was already bracing myself for the very public lecture I was sure to get from him soon. I almost unconsciously braced my back and stiffened my jaw when I saw him walk towards me with his patented evil grin, but instead of berating me for once he made a beeline towards his prototype machine and started working not 4 feet away from me for the rest of the day.

I am sure people are familiar with how fucking annoying it can be when your boss is literally peering over your shoulder the entire day, pointing out every tiny mistake you are about to make, and then you get so nervous you go ahead and make more mistakes in one hour than you have all year. To the point that I misspelt my own name in the last document I was typing. Now multiply that with a 1000 cause my boss is a down right sadist. And after a couple of hours of non-stop snide remarks I was just about to call out to P'Preet to be my back up support when I suddenly felt an unnaturally cool palm against my forehead.

I impulsively jerked away from the hand but he placed his other hand on the nape of my neck to hold me in place while he continued pressing his palm against my head. I looked up to snap at him as he stared down at me with a deep frown.

"Are you sick?"

"What? No!"

"Why is your nose running so much then? You have used up two boxes of tissues and then you complain about budget restrictions. Also, you are burning up. Go home."

"I still have work to finish."

"Go home."

"I will after I am done."

"Go home now."

"I am not giving you another reason to bite my head off about not completing the estimates."

"I said to go home dammit! Do you know how many people work on this floor? I will not have you spread whatever you have to the rest of my department. Now get your ass out of here and don't come back until you can do a hundred pushups without falling over."

And by the time our back and forth was over he had significantly raised his voice so that nearly everyone around us had stopped working and staring quite blatantly at us. Not that him losing his temper at me was anything new to everyone around, the only incredible part was how he lost his cool solely on me. And hence as always, P'Preet came charging from across the room to my aid.

"Arthit! Why are you yelling at the poor boy? He is already unwell. Now you are just making it worse."

"Preet, but I was just telling him...."

"P'Preet, I think I need to head home for the day. Can you give me a ride home? I don't want to ride my bike in this state."

"Oh, of course Kong. We can stop by to pick up some medicines on the way home."

"Wait, why are you going with him. He can find his own way home. He is not a child."

"But as you just pointed out he is sick. And as our junior it is our duty to take care of him."

I wish I had a way to capture his expressions in a picture as I flashed him a very self-satisfied grin before following P'Preet out the door and towards her car. If he was going to essentially yell at me in front of everyone then it's totally worth me inducing the green eyed monster in him. A common knowledge in the company is that P'Preet has a particularly soft spot for me. Though what my annoying boss who is secretly in love with her doesn't seem to know is that she refers to me as her little brother. So I am pretty content that I am now heading home for the rest of the day while he is going to stew in jealousy.

"Is this where you live Kong?"


"Hmmm, somehow this place feels very familiar. Anyway do you want me to come up?"

"No, no. You have already helped enough. I will be fine P'Preet. Don't worry."

"Are you sure? You really are looking quite pale."

"Yes P' I am really not feeling too bad. You should head back before you are missed."  And before a certain someone decided to come down here hunting for you.

"Oh okay. Take care of yourself ok? I will drop by again in the evening to check on you. Call me if you need anything."

But the one thing I wasn't was 'fine'. Apparently, getting doused in the unexpected rain had actually made me sick. Maybe it wasn't my dragon boss breathing down my neck who caused me to forget my own name. And as soon as my head hit the bed I was pretty much devolving in fever and shivers. Is it weird that all my fever induced dreams involved some form of torture I would like P'Arthit to go through. Atleast, I managed to smile through my entire sickness fueled sleep. To the point that when I sleep walked at one point to go throw open the main door I still had a stupid grin on my face when I hallucinated him standing outside my apartment. Except that his frown looked a little too realistic. But it couldn't be, cause there is no way the man would be actually standing there. Which meant he was nothing but an illusion. So I went right ahead and pulled both his cheeks, something I had wanted to do since two years. Hmmmm, it feels more human than I expected my dream to feel.

"What the fuck? Do you want to die? Get your hands off me right now!"

Uh oh!


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