Chapter 42

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Kong's POV

"P' I would very much like to keep my hand in one piece."

He looked down at our linked hands that he was crushing with all his might and quickly let go while I brought my throbbing hand up to my chest and cradled it protectively. We were currently standing outside my father's home office about to take the plunge into the world of doom.

"Uh...yeah...sorry, sorry. I am just really nervous."

"You? You are nervous? Why are you nervous? I am the one about to be disowned any second. He absolutely adores you. You are the sun and stars for him. He loves you more than his own son. You even talk to him more often than I do."

"Obviously I am nervous. This is the first time I am going to talk to him as your boyfriend...."

And then he whispered something under his breath that I had to lean in really close to catch.

"Did you just call him your father-in-law? Wow P', you are proposing to me 5 minutes before I am about to get all poor and destitute. That is true love for sure."

"Shut it, Kong. I said your father. Nothing else. And it is much more likely that I get kicked out of my job before you get written out of the will. Oh God! I hate job hunting! It's the worst. I'm still debating if you are worth it."

"Don't worry P' I will take care of you. But since we are both going to be jobless and poor soon maybe it's stupid to keep two apartments then. How about you pack up and move into my place?"

And as expected I got the flick on my forehead while his scowl just got deeper.

"How are you even thinking about that right now? Can you focus please."

And before I got a chance to respond the door was suddenly flung open and my father was standing there with a confused expression on his face.

"Kong? Arthit? I knew I could hear voices outside. What are both of you doing here? At the same time. Is the company on fire or something?"

"No, no, sir. We uh...we just had something to talk about."

"Both of you? Together?"


"Oh, sounds serious. Come in. Come in."

We tentatively stepped in together but immediately P' slowed his gait. Letting me go ahead, clearly indicating that this was my battle to fight before anything else. And yet he placed a discreet palm against my back letting me know quietly that he was right behind me, supporting me in whatever was about to transpire. Silence seemed to fill the room as all eyes were on me and I nervously cleared my throat.

"Dad, I...uh...I....ummm..."

"What is it? Tell me. You are starting to worry me now."

"Dad, I love you..."

"I love you too."

"...but I..."


"I can't hide who I am anymore. I don't want to live hiding myself from the world. I know you don't approve of me being...of me, but I think the only way I can be happy is if I..."

And instead of letting me finish my speech that had required a little too much courage to even begin, he shook his head and interrupted me, almost completely forgetting P'Arthit's presence.

"No, no, no. Kong. I know what you are trying to say. I know. I have known it since four years now. And I have been unable to do anything about it. Since the day we began fighting, since the day I told you I would never accept you, or your relationships. I have known it all along."

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