Chapter 27

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Arthit's POV

"Were you snooping through my phone right now?"

"Ummmm.....define snooping."

"Whatever the hell you are upto."

"Stop ignoring my question"

"You just ignored my question too."

"Yes. I was snooping through your phone. Happy? Now your turn."

"Do you seriously want to talk about this right now? Right here? In the middle of the office? You know P'Preet hasn't stopped staring at us since we began talking right."

I turned my head as discreetly as I could manage to look over in her direction, and as he mentioned she had her eyes glued to us. Infact she actually squinted some more when she saw me turn her way. Ok, maybe Kongpob was right. Discussing this here wasn't the best idea.

"Fine after work then."

"After work what?"

I whipped around at the new voice that spoke loudly in my left ear.

"Oh God! Preet! You scared the living daylights out of me."

"Why would me coming here scare you? What were the two of you talking about?"

"Work stuff. Cause we are, you work."

"What is happening after work then"

"I was just saying I will give Kongpob a ride home after work. Geez Preet, when did you start getting so nosy."

"Since the time I clearly saw you snooping at Kong's phone. Either ways Kong is mine today."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is I have windows that need cleaning. Floors that need scrubbing. Clothes that need washing. My three months are ticking down very fast and I haven't even begun going down my list yet."

And then she glared at the two of us and turned around to hopefully actually get some work done instead of watching us non-stop. I looked over at Kongpob and he simply shrugged.

"I guess I can come by your apartment after P'Preet is done violating every labor law that exists."

"Do you want me to come pick you up after you are done?"

"Nah, it's fine. I am sure I can find my way to you."

"Make sure you come straight to my place. No wandering around."

"I am not a child P'Arthit. "

"We will see about that."

I have been pacing around my living room since hours now. It was well past midnight and barely twenty minutes ago Kongpob had sent me a text letting me know that he had finally left and was coming over. Meaning for a good five hours now I have done little but obsessively look at my phone. The good thing about having so much time on my hands is that I could do all the thinking I needed. The bad part obviously being all of it was massive overthinking.

This man has a singular capability of making me behave very uncharacteristically. Just a few days ago I was cursing him for blurting out his ridiculous confession and making our relationship more complicated that it was already. Let us ignore for now that it was me who went all drunk caveman on him.

But suddenly I was doing a complete 180, trying to come up with ways that would convince him that we absolutely need to be dating. Atleast until his annoying ex was safely out of the picture. For a reasonably smart man that I am generally known to be I was playing with fire going down this path and I was completely aware of that fact. But damn the consequences. There was no way I was letting the gullible idiot fall for these diabetic inducing messages his ex kept bombarding him with. And if the only full proof plan to keep him at a very safe distance from a potential debacle was for us to be dating then so be it. Whatever the after math is we shall cross that bridge when we reach it.

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