Chapter 40

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Arthit's POV

I watched Kong like a hawk while he puttered around the room trying quite hard to avoid meeting my eyes, pretending to further clean his already spotless house. I, on the other hand was happily lazing on his bed while I scrutinized his awkward demeanor. And yeah, on his bed. Cause he was my boyfriend. And now I am allowed to do that. Once you spend a long, pleasurable night discovering secrets of his body, I feel I am allowed to take some liberties around his bedroom too. I happen to really like the sound of that thought. But back to the situation at hand.

Karly had skedaddled very quickly after dropping the giant clue about the not so welcome re-entry into Kong's life and although he let out an audibly loud sigh of relief, he still behaved awkward and stiff. Uncertain of where to sit or how to stand. He wouldn't look at me or talk to me. Just pretended, really badly, that nothing at all had transpired right now. Does he not realize how suspicious he looks right now?

And the inherent boss in me who has been thoroughly enjoying pranking him for over a year was dying to peek out. To perhaps make him sweat just a tiny bit for concealing things about his past. So it took me a minute to juggle in my mind how much would I enjoy watching him squirm and how much of a post-sex haze I was in that a more saccharine boyfriend in me should win out. And just then his eyes quickly darted to meet mine, held them for only a few seconds, and then moved away while I saw a slight tint of red creeping up his ears. Ah crap! This love thing is making me soft.

I cleared my throat loudly to get his attention and went right ahead to rip the band-aid off. The sooner we get things out in the open, the sooner we can make a game plan for the future.

"So exactly when were you planning on telling me your dad paid off Nat to break up with you?"

"Wh...what? What did you say?"

"What was it? Did he offer Nat money? Or that job abroad?"

"How did you know?"

"I have known to have a brilliant moment now and then. Is now a good time for you to finally spill the story or should we wait for a few more random stragglers knocking on your door telling us who you should be dating instead of me?"

He looked like he had just seen a ghost as he stood completely rooted in his spot. And when he finally broke out of his trance his gaze automatically darted towards the door. If he thought for one second he was going to be able to avoid this conversation he must not know me very well. So before he did something stupid I pointed at the empty space next to me. His shoulder visibly deflated and with an exaggerated sigh of defeat he very slowly crawled up the bed and sat on the other edge. As far from me as possible.

"P' I am really sorr..."

"Save the apologies for the end. Trust me I will give you ample time to beg for forgiveness. First I need to know what happened between the two of you. I know you told me Nat dumped you, but you really, really didn't want to break up, did you? Is that why those two numbnuts are so confident Nat can win you back? So? What happened?"

" know we began dating while I was still in college. He was already working at the company as a.."

"I know. I have been there much longer than him. That's why I am the boss and he is not. So he was working, you were in college. You met him. You started dating. Then what?"

"Well we decided to keep it under wraps for a while because.."

"Because you hadn't officially come out to your friends and family. Whose idea was it to not announce your relationship status?"

"P'Nat's. Although I agreed with hi.."

"Of course it was. He didn't want to risk problems before he had you nice and hooked on him."

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