Chapter 32

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Arthit's POV

"P' You should have told me in advance we were going to shoot a porno tonight. I would have probably shaved or something."

I still had my mouth hanging open while looking at the sex dungeon where my apartment was supposed to be, and before I could slam the door shut Kongpob had slipped past me to explore my embarrassment further. I am so going to kill those two the first chance I get. If my key hadn't fit in the hole and allowed me to unlock the door I would have sworn this wasn't my room.

Firstly, cause the corpses of dead flowers had taken over every spare inch of the room. There were rose petals everywhere. And I seriously mean everywhere! On the floor. On my kitchen platform. On my computer table. Obviously, a fuck ton on the bed. They hadn't even spared my bathroom. Who the fuck thinks red debris in the bathroom was romantic. And if their intention was to get us in a romantic mood they pretty much failed miserably cause the only thing running through my head was how freaking difficult it was going to be the sweep all this mess up. It will take me hours before I finally track down every last dead plant they decided to scatter in my house. I am totally going to kill them.

And if converting my perfectly fine looking house to a sea of red was the only thing they had done I wouldn't have been fuming right now. There were also dozens upon dozens of candles. Half burnt, melted, pieces of wax emitting a mixture of confusing smells that had us gagging two steps into the living room.

"P' as much as I appreciate the ambience you are going for, I am pretty sure all these candles pose a fairly high fire hazard."

"Oh shit! Blow them out. Quick."

And here we are now. Covered in an intense haze of smoke from the thankfully extinguished candles which took nearly all the air in my lungs and over 20 minutes of both of our man power combined.

Oh and by this point we haven't even seen the disaster they have unleashed in the bedroom, so obviously that was the next place Kongpob went, with me very quickly following at his heels. And hence came my dumbstruck moment part 2 while he let out a loud chuckle.

"Oh P' I didn't realize you were this kinky."

And there, right in the middle of the bed was a large basket with every possible sex toy they could have possibly found under the sun. I didn't even know what some of them were. I cannot believe they spent my very hard money on so much crap.

"I am not! I can't believe Preet and May would waste my money on this. What the fuck is wrong with them?"

"It's ok P'. You don't need to be shy. I don't mind. But what is this supposed to be?"

Before he could pick up a very oddly shaped black object I snatched away the basket and stuffed it in my closet but he had longed moved on to the other Easter eggs spread all across the room. And as soon as I turned back to him he was holding the pink fluffy handcuffs attached to corner of the bed.

"So you want to be tied or you want to tie me up? Although, P' I really doubt this flimsy little thing is going hold either of us down."

"Give me that. And go grab a broom."

"Oooh, I can't wait to find out what you have planned with a broom."

"Shut it! and get to sweeping. You do the living room. I am going to attack this debacle."

"But P', we are still on our date."

"Yes, and I'm all about creating unique experiences. Now, chop, chop. I want it spic and span by the time I make my way out there. I cannot believe I scrubbed this damn floor all morning and this is what those two dimwits end up doing with it."

"You seriously mopped it all morning? Was it for me?"

"As if! I am just a clean freak."

"P' that is more unbelievable than you going to s a store to buy the pink fluff ball hand cuffs."

And then he turned around to begin cleaning up the atrocity that was my living room. And I couldn't be more thankful cause I hadn't even noticed the video camera set up in the corner. I did mention I was going to murder them right? How exactly are they banking on this being a good idea? In what conceivable scenario would inviting him back to my room and have all possible versions of sexy kink throw up on us end in a good way.

It took me a good two hours of my night, which by the way was still supposed to be our date, before I had managed to clear away everything and I walked out to find my living room cleaner than it had been. That man absolutely has got to have super powers or something. What took me all morning and still made half my room all grimy, was now shiny clean. Not only that he had still found enough time to lay down on the couch and fall fast asleep.

This was just bloody great! I bored him all through dinner by being super distracted about Nat, then I literally put him to sleep because he spent the night sweeping the floor. I placed a blanket over him and sat by his feet with a beer to recap our first disastrous date. What are the chances that Nat will give me tips about courting Kongpob, cause obviously on my own I was face planting on every step. And I have more than learnt my lesson from ever accepting help from Preet again.

I looked over at his sleeping form while chugging my beer wondering what I should say once he is awake. Probably apologizing for ruining his evening would be a good start. Also for making him clean my apartment. Yeah, definitely shouldn't have that. But I couldn't help it. There was just so much crap everywhere that it was getting on my nerves. And ordering him around kind of comes naturally to me.

It wasn't until another few hours when he finally stirred awake, stretching his frame to crinkle out the sleep cramped joints, effectively kicking me a few times before even realizing where he was.

"Ah P'Arthit, sorry I fell asleep. What time is it?"

"A little past two."

"Seriously? Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sleep for this long."

"Don't be. It's all my fault. I totally botched today."

"I might have to agree with that."

"You don't pull any punches huh?"

"What can I say? I believe in complete honesty with my boyfriend. And on that note, why were you being so weird today?"

"I got all nervous about this darn date. And then Preet and May showed up and filled my head with more crap."

"Hmmm, I get it."

"You do?"

"Obviously P'. I would be pretty pissed too if you had your ex buzzing around you all day every day."

"Tell me something honestly Kongpob."


"What are the chances of you falling for Nat again? Is all of this I am doing just a doomed attempt from the beginning?"

"About the same chances as you letting me use that black thing stashed away in your closet on you tonight. What is that thing anyway?"

"No idea. So, you and Nat? Not going to happen, right?"

"P' I have absolutely no intentions of ever being linked with P'Nat again. Romantically or otherwise. Is that the only reason you wanted us to date?"


"P'Arthit I like you. I really like you. And sure it's fun seeing you act jealous around P'Nat but I don't want you to justify dating me only because of that. Can't you give us a chance just for us? Maybe you might end up liking me too."

I don't know who is a bigger idiot. Me, for trying to convince both of us that I hadn't fallen for him a long time ago or him for actually believing me. So instead of replying to him I gulped down the rest of my beer in one go and stood up while grabbing his arm.

"C'mon, let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"To explore all the toys Preet spent my money on."

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