Chapter 33

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Kong's POV

I think it's time I accept I have a problem on my hands. Not the kind that ends worlds, or shatters one's universe. Not even the kind that warrants any loss of sleep. But a problem nonetheless. And this one came in the shape of a large red heart shaped box of chocolates. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolates, and heart shaped boxes, especially if it came from my freshly minted boyfriend. Unfortunately, this time that wasn't the case at all. This was from a highly persistent P'Nat who seems to have forgotten the meaning of the word no. Actually, from everything I know of him he was never really acquainted with it in the first place.

Which brings us back to the problem at hand. The chocolates. Sitting outside my door every single morning for a week. Obviously I am the idiot who had erroneously assumed they were from P'Arthit the first morning I saw them innocently hounding my front door, and as the massive fool that I am I more than gladly carried it to work with me. Decorated it smugly on my desk. And ate one tiny piece of nuisance after another the entire freaking day. Why the hell did I think that my grumpy boyfriend would do anything remotely romantic as dropping off chocolates outside my door before he left of a week long work trip. And as fate would have it I didn't discover the truth until the point when I was very happily shoving the last chocolate in my mouth, effusively thanking him while creepily grinning at the box on the desk.

"Are you high Kongpob? Why the hell would I give you chocolates?"

"Aww, don't be shy P'. I loved that you did. I have been eating them all day. They are so much sweeter than expected. I bet it is cause they from you."

"Firstly, stop being cheesy. Secondly, did you not hear a word I told you until now? I just mentioned how insanely late I was running today morning. I literally made it to my flight with 2 seconds to spare. You really think I had time to run out and buy chocolates and then drop it off while I was still trying to button up my shirt on the way to the airport?"

"Uhhhh? So these aren't from you?"

"Obviously not."

"So then who..."

And then finally the ultra dim bulb in my brain finally went off and I turned towards P'Nat's desk to witness him give me the same creepy smile I had been bestowing on the blasted box all day.


"So what was it that you were saying about them being so much sweeter?"

"Oh, uh, P' I think I need to run for a meeting right now. I will catch you later ok. Bye."

Did I happen to elucidate my thoughts? Fuck!

It had been less than a week since I had finally managed to clear some of the air with P'Arthit. Barely a few days since our disastrous date when I urged him to seriously consider our relationship instead of some love games that all of us were involved in. And to say that I was satisfied with how that night turned out is a massive understatement.

Well, if you were hoping for kink and sex toys then you are probably going to be disappointed. But going through P'Preet's bag of over active imagination helped break much of the ice between us, which led to us talking. And more talking. Candidly. For the rest of the night.

I told him a little about my past with P'Nat. How I dealt with the break up. With losing my best friend at the time. How all of that changed when I met him. How I began liking him. He told me how he had very little experience in dating. That all his past relationships ended within a month. That he wasn't entirely sure what he felt for me other than intense jealousy for P'Nat but he hadn't ever felt like this before. We both told each other that we wanted to figure out if our relationship had a future together. That we wanted to give it a honest shot. And that we should probably take it slow. Getting drunk and making out might be great for our libidos, not so much in trying to figure out if we were at all more compatible than having mutual lust.

Which means our first official date ended without even a good night kiss. In fact since that day we had barely even accidentally touched. Even post work we would be firmly restricted to our own apartments and chose to talk over the phone or text instead of just hanging out together. It was all his idea. I am partly suspecting that he wants to avoid temptation of jumping in bed together when he was the one stressing on taking it slow part. And you know what? I am perfectly ok with that. I would much rather have him giving us a serious thought than simply fulfilling our carnal desires. Actually I would very much have them both but I shall take the small victories when I get them.

And hence I can unequivocally state that I am a bonafide idiot. Knowing all of that I still assumed P'Arthit had left the box for me. And the chump that I am I gleefully ate them sitting right in front of P'Nat while he obviously filed the day away as a win for him. Which spilled over the next day with a brand new box once again sitting outside my door. So I trashed the box and pretended like nothing happened at all.

Now obviously that was my brightest idea since he simply assumed I was still accepting of his unwanted treats. Which resulted in even more chocolates on the third day. And the forth. And the fifth. So I took a slightly different strategy and went to confront him on the sixth. Again not such a spectacular plan since that conversation very quickly devolved into him regaling our past and not focusing on the topic at hand. That my very irritated boyfriend was going to return from his trip soon, not at all happy about P'Nat consistently trying to induce diabetes in me. And as we speak of the devil, my doom is here.

"Don't tell me he is still dropping off that crap outside your door every morning?"

"Hi P'. How was your trip?"

"How are the chocolates?"

" must be tired? Are you still coming in to work today?"

"Obviously. Apparently all my employees are getting out of control and it's high time I whip some of you in shape."

Again, I am not really sure how brilliant an idea that is, but a jealous boyfriend may not be known for their scientific practicality. So as soon as we entered the office together he marched right up to P'Nat and slammed the box on his desk.

Hard as much as I tried I couldn't hear the conversation. Which was obviously not going well since the frown on P'Arthit's face was getting progressively deeper. The scowl so much more pronounced. While P'Nat's grin spelled nothing but trouble for me. For all of P'Nat's evil the one thing I could not discount about him was that he was a shrewd fox. To connect the dots that P'Arthit and I were somehow involved wouldn't escape him for too long. And now that P' was making it so super obvious, only God could save me from this situation. When is it ever a good idea for your ex and current love interest to talk? Never. That is always the response. It is never a good idea.

So when at the end of the frustratingly long conversation P'Arthit turned towards me and silently cocked his head to indicate I follow him, I begrudgingly did. And as I quietly made my way to the top floor janitor's closet behind him, I have a feeling this secret office rendezvous will not turn out remotely like it had the previous time.

I quietly the shut the door of the closet behind me while P'Arthit still very much kept his back to me, his shoulders rising and falling visibly as I could pretty much feel him fuming.

"Listen, P' let me explain...."

But he didn't. He whipped around to face me. Smoke almost ready to burst out his nose and ears, although I doubt he would find that description funny at this moment. Took two steps towards me and crossed his arms over his chest, before he let out a low, threatening, whispered growl.



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