Chapter 41

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Kong's POV

In the entire time I have known P'Arthit, from the first time he sat across from me with his very distinct scowl, to all the months and months of pranks we have pulled on each other, through hating him, to liking him, to loving him, through fake setting him up with P'Preet, to chasing him myself and finally to becoming his boyfriend I have noticed multiple small and big things about him. One of those quirks being that he had a habit on drumming his fingers repeatedly when he was deep in thought. And I am very sure he had gone deep sea diving in the ocean of thinking since he was wearing down the skin of my naked hip that was pressed against him.

As soon as we had gotten rid of my annoying neighbor who probably hasn't bought milk for himself in about a year and keeps begging to borrow mine, we had jumped right back into bed and spent the day making up for all the lost time, where we happily ran through the super-sized box of condoms P'Preet had bought for us. We had even managed to consume our gigantic pizza for breakfast/lunch/dinner or whenever we got hungry between our multiple love making sessions. And ofcourse after a long, long day we had eventually fallen asleep with tangled limbs on my lube stained bedsheet. Thankfully I am so completely enveloped in the haze of love and sex and P'Arthit that I haven't had the chance to freak out about how badly we have destroyed my apartment today. I think I am going to suggest our next all day of sex be very firmly restricted to his apartment. Plus he has all the toys anyway.

I am still not entirely convinced all of this is real. Yet I know it is since I am currently pressed against a very warm, very naked chest of the man I was crazy about, and not only that but apparently my feelings were reciprocated. I was only inches away from palpitating when I had accidentally let slip my love confession, nearly prepared to be sharply kicked out of his room and maybe his life forever. But instead he took me completely by surprise and smiled at me. And then said he loved me back. That...that is like a dream come true. Can you imagine my high? You climax after mind-blowing sex, and then the man you love tells you he loves you back. At that moment I was sure I was going to die a happy man. And then ofcourse the bane in my life's not-so-better half walked up. I am still amazed how P'Arthit managed to piece together my dad's role in my break up or why P'Nat and Karly were trying to make an entrance back in my life, but none of that is important in comparison to him having forgiven me for lying.

I had actually struggled with that. Quite a bit. Having to conceal all the details about my dad, and P'Nat and Mike. But to be honest I was scared and I didn't want to lose P'Arthit before I even had a chance to make him mine. Maybe it's not fair for me to have concealed it. I should have told him that our relation would get a lot of resistance. From my family. From his boss. From the man he looked up as an idol. A mentor. But even after knowing everything he had chosen me without thought, without having to debate it. And this one simple act of his made me elated. Made me insanely happy. Like this ball of pure joy and warmth and happiness was growing in the center of my core and would soon takeover all of me.

Sometime during my inner musings he had woken up but continued laying silently next to me, his one arm under my head, the other one carelessly flung around my hip where said thoughtful drumming was taking place. And after a good 15 minutes he had still not made any attempts to move so I turned to face him and saw him staring straight up at the ceiling with a deep frown on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm thinking."

"You seem to like doing that a lot. What are you thinking about now?"


"Ohhkkayyy...I am not sure how I feel about you lying naked against me thinking about my ex-boyfriend."

"As long as you aren't thinking about him it's all good. Anyway, what is bothering me is I can't figure out why he is back."

I straightened slightly, now lying flat on my back staring up the ceiling too, mirroring his position while I began delving in my various theories for his return too.

"I am not really sure either. We broke up years ago. We haven't been in touch or anything since his messages on his wedding day."

"Right. Even if he kept tabs on you and knew you weren't involved with anyone else that's a pretty big assumption that you would still be up for resuming your relationship after all these years."

"Well, to be fair to him, I did throw a very big tantrum about not wanting to break up."

I immediately got a rather painful flick on the forehead with an annoyed scowl from P'Arthit while my grin just got wider at his jealous reaction. But he once again resumed his musings.

"Barring the fact that you were an idiot back then, his return still doesn't make any sense. Assuming he is after your money now he not only has to get over the hurdle of your father he also has to convince you to forgive him and then trust him again. That is so much effort just to date you."

"Makes me feel so special hearing that from my boyfriend."

"Ah, stop whining. You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know. Plenty of other fish in the sea. So why take the hardest road."

"Hmmm, you are a pretty big fish though."

"Aww, thanks P'! You are not too bad yourself."

"Ha ha, very funny. I meant you are the sole heir to a multi-millionaire. That's multi-million reasons to come chasing behind you."

"But then why get married? And bring his wife along?"

"Yeah, that's what's bothering me too. Even if this is a two for one plan they hatched together, him getting married just makes it more complicated for them. What was their strategy? To make you jealous? Covet the unattainable? I just don't get what their plan is, and why are they so confident about you falling for him again."

He turned his head towards me and squinted his eyes pretending to scan through my brain and asking me a mock serious voice.

"Are you sure you aren't secretly in love with him or something? Any long, lost undying spark still burning in your loins?"

"Oh, why didn't I think of it before. Maybe you are right. You see, I am in love with him. I just hadn't realized it until you asked me right now and triggered the old flame. Let me just roll off this bed and jump into P'Nat's. Reignite our lost passion and all."

I gave him an exaggerated eye roll and pretended to get off the bed when he quickly grabbed my waist with both his arms and pulled me firmly against chest, effectively sandwiching me between him and the bed.

"The words, you, Nat, and bed are never going in the same sentence ever again."

He had started playfully biting my shoulder and neck making it very obvious that soon any thinking that we had been involved in would be replaced by actions rather than thoughts and words. And as happy as I was with direction this conversation had turned, there was just one more thing I wanted to get out before we could continue our night the way we had spent the day.



"P'Nat and Karly know about us."

"Yeah, so...?"

"How soon do you think dad will find out?"

He stopped kissing me and stilled a bit, before whispering softly next to my ear.

"Soon, I think."

"So what should we do?"

"The only thing we can do."


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