Chapter 23

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Arthit's POV

I threw on my clothes, that were sitting neatly folded on a nearby chair, as soon as my fingers would allow. This was bad. This was so, so bad. What are the chances that I can slink my way out of his apartment and hopefully out of his life without ever having to confront him about last night? But that would still leave me having to figure out of my own mind and actions.

I was almost at the door, thanking my leftover luck that I hadn't faced the bane of my life just yet. I threw it open and there he stood. Keys in his one hand, a bag with food in the other, and a cheeky smile on his face.


"Oh good morning P'Arthit. You up already?"

"Uh...yeah...yeah. going to head back."

"But I bought breakfast for us."

"Ummm....I...uh....need to go wash up."

"Hmmm, ok fine."

Well, that was easy. He shifted to let me pass and I quickly made my way out to the hallway ready to run as fast as possible, when I heard him shut his door and began following me.

"What are you doing?"

"Coming to your apartment, of course."


"I am ok with waiting till you wash up."

"Listen, ummm....Kongpob, I uh have a hangover right now and..."

"A hearty breakfast is just the thing you need."

"But I..."

"Did you by any chance think this was going to the type of a day where you make out in the middle of the night and then scuttle away in the morning without even mentioning it? P'Arthit, I think there will be a lot more talking than you think. Plus, I am very particular about sharing breakfast in the morning after a particularly adventurous night with someone. It's meant to be respectful you see."

Another cheeky smile before he led the way to my apartment while I was left behind with a huge frown gracing my face. This does not bode well for me at all. And yet while drudging behind him my mind kept going back to his words focusing on how many times he has been sharing post-night breakfasts.

I stood under the scalding hot shower a lot longer than I would have as I could hear him puttering about my room. This was the first time he had ever stepped in my safe zone. First time in a very long time absolutely anyone had entered my domain. And that itself was making me uneasy, let alone the fact the my super uncharacteristic actions would be under the microscope soon. And I am yet to decide the flashes I keep getting about last night are a good or a bad thing. I begrudgingly shut off the shower and walked out to find him looking through my posters before he noticed me, smiled, and walked towards the dining table.

"So? Where should we begin?"

"We can begin by you hitting your head on the way out and forgetting any of this ever happened."

"Unfortunately I have a very good memory. Also, wouldn't you atleast someone remember your spectacular performance last night?"

"What happened?"

"Why did you come over last night?"

"What happened on the 10th?"

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Ughh fine! How about this? I will answer your questions if you answer mine."

"That seems fair. But no lying? No evading?"

"Yeah, but I get to go first."

"Ask away."

"What happened on the 10th?"

"My ex got married."

"Oh! That's...that's.....and he still texted you? On his wedding day? After you guys had broken up for four years?"

"It's my turn now. Why did you kiss me?"


"You said no evading."


"Ok, then why have you been ignoring me all of last week?"

"Why do you think? Cause I was mad at you. You bloody slice your hand open after I specifically tell you to never go near the machine. And then you try to hide it from me. Do you have any fucking idea how scared I was the entire time you were bleeding all over my car. My turn. Are you still in touch with your ex? Are you still in love with him? Is that why he was messaging you on his wedding day?"

"Those are three questions, but no, no, and no. I haven't spoken to him or been in contact with him for years."

"Then what's with the heart on your calendar?"

"May did that. I don't know what she was thinking. Something to signify bright new beginnings or something."

"New beginnings? After four years? You are clearly not over him. Why else would you be all drunk and depressed that day."

He looked at me silently for a few minutes, but I am not sure if it was really me he was looking at right at that moment. After a few more seconds of silence he let out a long sigh and continued.

"I am not in love with him. I don't think I ever was. But we had a bad break up. And I was bitter. Maybe I still am a little bit. So yeah, I wasn't thrilled about him getting married. And even less happy with him trying to contact me. And you aren't playing fair. My turn. Why did you kiss me?"


"Do you still like P'Preet?"


"Just no?"

"Yes, just no. My turn. What is the deal with you and Mike?"

"You need to be more specific."

"Why do you keep letting him walk all over you?"

"I do?"

"Why did you forgive him so easily? And even now he is trying to claim you like you are his property or something. Like he owns you. So what is going on between the two of you? Is he the reason you haven't been dating anyone?"

"P' we have gone over this like a hundred times before. Mike is literally the last reason for me to make any of my dating or non-dating decisions. As I told, he was my friend. My best friend. And it wasn't a pleasant time for me when he pretty much betrayed me. So when I thought he finally had accepted me I was more than willing to forgive him. I agree I didn't see some of the signs he was going crazy, but I will eventually get around to dealing with it."

"But why the fuck aren't you raving mad at him. I am close to boiling with anger and you have no reaction at all."

"Cause I am too busy trying to figure out why you are so angry at him. Why did you kiss me?"


"Have you kissed another guy before?"


"Have you ever wanted to?"


"Did you know you were going to when you came over last night?"


"Why did you kiss me?"

"Why don't you date anymore."

"I haven't met anyone remotely exciting. And I wanted to focus on my school and work. You, more than anyone else should be able to relate to that. Why did you kiss me?"

"Cause I wanted to dammit! Cause I can't stand you being all drunk and depressed about your douchebag ex. And I hate Mike beyond reason and I know you aren't telling me everything. I hate watching you not Kongpob. Why the fuck would you kiss me back?"

"I think I like you."

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