Chapter 18

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Kong's POV

I stirred as the string of consciousness fluttered through my brain clearly still slightly addled due to immense amounts to alcohol I had consumed last night. Which also explains why my throat feels like one could satisfactorily grate cheese with it. Let's not even begin to talk about the jackhammer enjoying free reign in the back of my head. And all of this suddenly became a very peripheral issue when it finally dawned on me where exactly I was.

For some reason I was back into the room with P'Arthit instead of the room Mike had rented. Not only was I in the wrong room I was also sleeping right next to him. Like really, really close next to him. To the point that I was almost spooning him with his back pressed against my chest.

What's making this uncompromising position a zillion times worse was that I also had one of my arm flung across his waist with part of his t-shirt inadvertently having ridden up with my palm flattened against the exposed skin of his stomach.

I blinked rapidly a few too many times to shake away any remnants to sleep as I continued staring straight into the back of his head which was barely a few inches away from my face very distinctly allowing me to identify the smell of his shampoo.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

If P'Arthit realized I was stuck this close to him he would probably tear me apart limb by limb and happily distribute my pieces across different continents. I am surprised he hasn't actually woken up and physically kicked me out of the room. Drunk or not, I doubt I would survive this situation if he ever became aware of it. So I, as slowly as humanly possible, extracted my hand from around him. Making sure to cause no unnecessary motions that would disturb his sleep before I quietly rolled away from him and off the bed. Once I was standing with sufficient distance between us I finally let out a relieved sigh before the throbbing pain in my head made a full comeback.


I should have really, really not gotten so drunk. I could barely remember much about last night. I know at some point P'Arthit had found me at the bar. I also remember talking about Mike to him, which might not have been the greatest idea. But I don't know how much more I blabbered. Thankfully, there was a tall glass of water with a bottle of pills on the bedside table. And probably for the first time ever did I bless his cold, non-feeling heart for this one thoughtful act.

I downed the water in large gulp before grabbing my phone from the table. I immediately saw the multitude of messages, which I quickly deleted without reading any of them.

Nope. Not dealing with that today.

And I started stepping towards the door before I remembered that leaving this room would mean entering Mike's room. And my feet automatically slowed. I looked over P'Arthit's sleeping form contemplating what my options were. I was really not in the mood to deal with Mike and his overly enthused affections. But sticking around here would inevitably mean some other petty task P'Arthit would cook up for me. This feels very close to the devil and deep sea situation, but since I need to badly brush my teeth to get rid of the foul taste in my mouth, the deep sea it is.

"Kong! Where the fuck were you? I have been worried about you all night? Why don't you ever answer your phone."

"Hey Mike. What's up?"

"What do you mean what's up? Where have you been?"

"Do you need to be so loud? I have a massive headache."

"Are you drunk? Were you drunk last night? Oh my God! Are you idiot? How could you go around being drunk all on your own in a foreign country. All of us were so worried. I went around asking May and P'Preet and P'Arthit, and none of them knew where you ever. I was out of my mind being worried about you."

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