Chapter 30

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Kong's POV

As I woke up that morning I knew it was going to be that sort of a day. You know, the kind of day you are sure something big is going to happen. Is it going to be good? Is it going to be bad? I have no freaking idea. All I know is right in my gut I could feel it was going to be an eventful day. And no points in guessing why I felt that way. One entire week of P'Nat haunting my heels every chance he got while P'Arthit's mood getting progressively darker. And that never results in a pleasant experience for me.

So you will understand my utter surprise when I head down one morning, having a full length speech prepared to ask him out for our first date, and I see him leaning against his car with a ridiculously wide grin plastered on his face. And if I wasn't so taken aback by his wholly unexpected expression I would have noticed sooner the small crowd of people standing close by witnessing some form of a commotion.

"Why are you so happy today?"

"Oh, there you are. I should have wished for a million dollars or something last night, cause I come down and guess what I see? My biggest wish coming true."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Just then I heard a loud grunt coming from the direction of the crowd and I finally realized why the crowd had gathered there.

"Your supposed best friend and your ex-boyfriend are beating the shit out of each other."

He was right. Mike and P'Nat were very thoroughly punching each other, rolling around on the ground. Bruised cheeks, blackened eyes, and bleeding lips quite apparent.

"Have you just been standing here smiling while they have been fighting?"

"Ofcourse. Saves me the trouble of thinking of ways of beating them up independently. By all means, they are more than welcome to fight each other over you."

I looked between him to the other two idiots, one of them having had his t-shirt almost ripped, while the punching, and at times scratching continued. I honestly don't know who was behaving more ridiculously in this scenario.

"P' don't you think we should stop them? They are going to seriously hurt each other."

"Nope. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. Just a little longer."

Just then we heard a particularly large thud, a haywire punch landed, while a simultaneous kick was in the process. Two bodies fell on the ground while one projectile object flew out towards us and landed close to our feet. P'Arthit and I immediately squatted down to investigate. Turns out it was half a chipped tooth. I am obviously dating a sadist, since his smile just went a lot wider as he turned towards me with a glint in his eye.

"Which one do you think this belonged to? My money is on Nat. Mike looks like he packs a hell of a punch."

"Ok that does it. This needs to stop now."

I was about to get up and make my way over to them before one or both of them broke something serious. But before I could make my move P'Arthit grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him.

"Don't even think about it. Keep your butt right here, I will go handle this."

And he marched over to them, grabbed Mike by the collar and pulled him off P'Nat.

"Enough! Both of you should be embarrassed of yourselves. How do two grown men manage to get into a fist fight at 7 in the morning. Mike, aren't you famous or something? Don't you need to care how your face looks? And Nat, I am still very much your boss. And I am this close to firing you. Now both of get your asses out of my sight before I happily hand you to the cops."

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