1 (Falling in the Toilets)

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I sat at the bar with a pint of larger grasped tightly in one hand whilst the other was  a rest for the use of my left cheek. "You alreyt, love?" asked the tall man at the other side of the bar. I've only been here a couple times so I didn't know him well but he seemed decent enough "Yeah mate, I'm fine just waiting for my friend" I looked down at my phone and let out a small sigh "Got a feelin she int coming though". I lifted up my pint and took a sip followed shortly by me downing it. I placed the now empty glass back down on the bar. "We have a band playin 'ere tonight, they've done a couple of shows before, you 'eard of 'em?" the lovley bar man asked me. "Arctic Monkeys I think they're called". I shook my head showing that I had never heard of them, bit of a strange name though. Maybe they just like animals and will be one of those nature like bands who sing slow calMing songs about trees or soemthing? I hope not. I know my friend Lucy isn't coming, but i don't plan on leaving and if i stay i most definetly don't plan on ripping my ears off. Personally, I like much more heavy music, not like heavy metal but just something that has an energetic guitar solo or something amazing on the drums. I can't dance to waterfall forest sounds. Also I'd like to actually enjoy the lyrics, I need them to mean something or else I don't even see the point in singing at all. 

I walked away from the bar and made my way towards the toilets. It felt like that pint of larger went staight through me, I was dying for a piss. The walk seemed like it took forever even though I know the toilets weren't that far from the bar. Then, I entered the door marked 'TOILETS' and walked through which revealed to me two new doors, one of which a man had just exited. The two doors had a very small gap between them, like they were trying to fool you into believing it was one door or maybe to get you into the wrong room. I can see it could be an easy mistake to make. The walls in this room where brown, like old stained wood, they looked lovley with the black and white framed photos hung on them.

All of a sudden, I slipped on the wet floor. When I hit the ground, my head collided with the cold hard floor "for fucks sake!" I shouted quickly going to clutch my head with my hand. The man rushed over to me and helped me up (which was really nice of the young man) "Shit, you alreyt? I  'eard your skull or summet and that dint sound good". Looking up at the man, I shrugged him off of me "Yeah im fine" I said rather bluntly.

"You sure?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Positive mate, thanks for 'elp like but if you dont mind I'd rather not piss myself" I said gesturing towards the toilet. He quickly moved out of my path "Be my guest". I began to push the door open when I realised that I was being a complete bitch, he had just helped me "Emily, my names Emily" he gave me a soft smile. 

"Alex". We both went through the next door, he exiting and me entering. 



Hey anyone who is reading this, I know this first chapter is really short and I'm sorry but I don't like writing huge chapters but, if anyone would like me to lengthen my chapters please message me (it won't be lengthened by a large amount). 

I haven't yet edited this, I won't be edditing until I have fully completed the story, so I'm really sorry if there are any annoying spelling mistakes.

I'm also aware that this chapter isn't very exciting but it's my first time writing any sort of fan fiction so I'm just getting used to the type of story. 

If anybody has a story suggestion, or would just like a chat, also feel free to send me a message because if the idea fits in with what I have planned then I will try to include it the best I can.

Thank you so much to anyone reading x

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