10 (You Should Bare That in Mind)

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It was some kiss. I've never been the one for simplicity when it comes to a kiss, but I had never realised how nice a small peck coud actually be. I looked down at Emily, not wating to view any other sight, she looked down at her feet. Finally looking back up at me, she spoke "Hi" follwed by a gentle smile. This caused me to let out a little chuckle. Emily is so innocent. "Hi" I returned.

-----The Next Morning----

Waking up, I had a smile on my face as I remembered the pervious night. I jumped out of my bed, showered and dressed, popping on my sky blue lacoste and a pair of jeans.

I went over to the kitchen and put some bacon in the frying pan to cook. BANG. Well that was an agressive knock at the door. Wondering what could possibly be so urgent, I walked over to the door and opened it. "Alex, you doing owt tonight?" Matt asked.

"Is that it? That's what you nearly knocked my door down for?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Yeah. So are you?" He asked again. A laughed a bit and shook my head. 

"No I'm free, why?" 

"I am too, so are Jamie and Nick."

"Are just tryin to point out that none of us have lives?"

"No, we should all do something"


"I don't know, the three of us were hoping you would." Matt shrugged his shoulders here. This conversation so far has been pointless, all we have gained is the knowledge that on the nights we aren't playing or practising we have nowt to do. "Erm, well I dunno. Go down town?" I suggested. I know this wasn't much different from normal but it was all I could think of, to be fair to me we usually play and we aren't doing that so I suppose it's something different? 

Matt, to my surprise, nodded in agreement "Sure may as well." At least that was sorted, I reyt couldn't be bothered to think for ages about where to go and what to do. 


I finished up getting ready, not bothering to change what I was wearing, just sorted my hair out really. You could say I couldn't be arsed to go, and you would be 100% correct in saying so. Still, a night out with lads could (should) be good. 

The knock on the door signaled that Matt, Jamie and Nick where all here. Opening the door I greated them and let them know that the taxi should only be about 5 minutes. Whilst waiting we all had a can, as you do. 

After waiting in line for somehwere around 10 minutes we arrived inside the club. The atmosphere was intense with everyone hot and dancing. Nick wondered off the get us all drinks, he likes to get first round but I try and be last. Not saying I'm cheap, I'm saying that once I'm a bit tipsy I buy everyone rounds anyway so there is no way I'm starting as soon as I walk in. The music was intensly loud, exactly how everyone enjoyed it.

Nick came back, basically juggling the drinks, so we took ours off him, leaving him with just his own. "Thanks mate."


Hi all,

You probably know where the next chapter is going, more than likley be in the club still. 

I've been trying to leave tiny easter eggs throughout the story, so do try and keep an eye out. However, these eggs aren't important to the story itself (if you miss any it won't change the story line at all and so far there are barley any). As I mentioned before, I never know where the chapter is going until I am writing it. With this in mind, the easter eggs may only fit what I wanted to happen, not what necessarily will happen. 

I do love writing this story and feel like its the only thing I've had my heart in writing (other than 'Just a Diary'), but I am currently very busy so can only update when able. 

Noticing another increase in reads, I would like to say...

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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