3 (Piss Off)

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The music was amazing, outstanding even. That word wasn't even good enough to describe the feeling the sound gave me. I thought 'Arctic Monkeys' were going to be some boring group but, I had never been so wrong. Dancing is all I could do really, I didn't even have my eyes open - too involved in the sound. 

When I finally did open my eyes, I looked over the band, it was hard to see them properly because of the lights. After squinting my eyes to some how help me see, I saw him, I saw the person wo helped me out in the toilets. "Wow, well manoured and tallented" I thought. I felt like I needed to appologise to him again but, after all, he is just a normal person so I quilcky changed my mind. I'm not going to give him special treatment just because him and the rest of the monkeys could be famous one day. 

I smiled at that thought. The fact that a band from Sheffield, my home town, could make it in the music industry made me proud. They're really good it wouldn't even surprise me if that happened to them. 

"Thank you very much Ladies and Gentlemen" the front man said as they all exited the stage. The other monkeys looked lovley too, I bet they are all a right good laugh on a night out or something. 

All of the audience clapped and cheered, I joined in of corse. When the clapping was over, I turned around to leave the great little place when a hand grabbed my shoulder. I quickly turned around being very startled and saw a man "Alreyt?" he said in a bland voice. The unknown man was quite tall, I'd say about 6ft, with blonde hair and all dressed in black. 

"Just leaving actually mate" I replied walking backwards. 

"Not even one more drink?" he asked smiling at me. I shook my head at his question but he insisted leading me to shake my head more agressivly this time "I'm just fine with what I've had thanks" continuing to back away from him. I couldn't tell if he had given up asking but, he took a step towards me which was a slight indication he hadn't. I took another step back "Alright watch out" I recognised the voice, it was quite clearly the nice man from the toilets who was also on the stage not long ago, "Oh, I'm really sorry, I didn't see you" I said in a very appologetic tone. He smiled at me to indicate that it was fine, so I smiled back. 

"What about that drink then?" the blonde man was clearly not giving up any time soon. 

"Right you deaf or summet pal? I have politley denied about three times now so could you please fuck off?" I huffed causing Alex to let out a small chuckle. The man didn't chuckle though, he developed an agressive look instead "Just have one drink, thats all I'm asking" he was very forceful causing Alex to step in front of me.

"Shes told you to leave her alone so why don't you do us all a favour and piss off? If not, you and me will have a problem" Alex defended me, I was a little impressed with how he handled to situation, he's a bigger person than me - clearly. 

However, I can handle situations like these myself so, I gently moved Alex out of the way "It's alright I can sort it" I said facing Alex. Then, I turned back to the man whoes name I didn't know "Seriously though are you done asking me because I'm never going to say yes and to be quite frank...you're boring the life out of me. I mean I'm sorry but is that the best line your small, weak brain could think of? You can't tell me that has ever worked on a girl" I said probably a little too seriously, he looked down "No? Didn't think so, so fuck off" I said walking away from the both of them. 

Finally I made it to the door when I felt a hand wrap around my arm, not another repeat of what just happened please. "I told you to piss off" I groaned but, in reply, I just recived a chuckle. Confused I swung myself around to see who it was "Oh, hiya Alex" I smiled trying to cover up the fact I felt like a complete idiot. 



Hey anyone! I've just seen that I have hit 18 reads and honestly, it made my day. I know that probably doesn't seem like much to any of you but, to me, thats a lot. I didn't think that anyone would find this book, let alone read it. So basically, thank you so much.

I know I'm not exatly a good writer, but I'm currently enjoying doing it so I will continue to do so. I'd also like to remind you that this story is currently unedited and will be until I finish, I'm extreamly sorry for any mistakes as I understand they can be annoying but, it's fine I will sort it out (you'll just have to put up with it for now ahah). 

Also, I'm awakre that this update has taken a little longer. I have been up to my eyeballs ( well my shoulders at least ) in work so I have just been so busy. 

Thank you to anyone who is reading xx

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