9 (We Look Good on the Dancefloor)

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As the song came to an end the audience screamed in cheers for the Monkeys, they had definetly pleased the crowed, I can't say I'm surprised. The room felt like it was heating up so i ripped my coat off whilst my eyes where locked on the stage. 

"Thank you" Alex said to the audience, however his line of sight was on me. He did look rather good tonight I must admit. Thinking about his looks harder, I felt myself biting my lip. "Shit!" I thought remembering he was still looking at me and might see. Quickly, I stopped myself and drank some of my drink instead. A large grin formed on Alex's face... I think he saw me. 

The band walked off the stage whilst the crowed still cheered for them. This is a small lot, but fuck me they can make a lot of noise. I then saw the door, which led to backstage, open allowing the Monkeys to leave. I looked down at my drink, quite quickly, when I saw Alex walking over to me. "I'm guessin' you enjoyed it then?" he smirked. I didn't answer. I had no idea how so I just nodded. "Want another?" he asked gesturing towards my almost empty glass. 

"If you're paying." I laughed

"Not gunna make you pay, am I?" 

I laughed a little as he asked me what I would be having "Slightly change it, vodka lemonade please". He bought a drink each for me and for him so I thanked both him and the barman. 

"Why where you staring at me?" I blurted out like an idiot.


"Yes Alex, throught the whole song. Why?"

"Suppose I like the view." he was looking directly into my eyes at this moment. I am very confused. What happened to the shy Alex who asked for a small while he was holding one? 

"Now why where you staring at me?" he asked with a grin.

"I wasn't" I lied.

"Don't lie Em I saw you." Aw that's sort of cute, he called me Em. 

"Okay fine. I wa wondering who you wrote that song about." 

Alex chuckled keeping the same grin on his face "Em, think about the words. Yeah they don't follow exact story, but just think about 'em." he was basically ordering me to do so. 

Taking a sip of my drink, I stood up. "Where you goin?" he wondered. 

"Dancefloor." I took his hand and dranged him over with me.

"N..no. I don't dance" he began to shake his head agressivley, but I didn't care at all.

"I don't give a flying fuck. You could have won strictly or could have two left feet for all I care. You're dancing with me." I was taken back by my own confidence here. The extra confidence might have come from the fact I was a little tipsy, but be reyt. 

Arrivning at the middle of the dance floor, I turned to face him "Don't worry, I cant dance either." I took his hands and placed them on my hips as I moved along with the beat. Alex started to move and honestly he's not as bad as he was making out to be. 

Looking up to him, I noticed him looking down back at me. Then I felt one of his hands leave my hip and come up to put my hair behind my ear. The same hand cupped my cheek when he moved in to kiss me. His lips finally reached mine, it felt like it took ages, and he placed a kiss on my lips. That's all it was, a nice and simple peck. Not a kiss that could be explained by 'just being drunk' if it was a drunk kiss, it probably would have been more agressive. That kiss was far from agressive, it was delicate and lovely. Alex's lips where so soft, they felt like they belonged on mine.


Okay so a kiss was not supposed to happen here, but when I was writing about them dancing I was just like "Yeah okay this needs to happen!" Might have got a little too excited...

Also, I am overwhelmed by the total reads this book has just hit. Amazing. Thank you all so so much. 

Thank you to anoyone reading xx

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