14 (Don't Leave Before the Lights Come On)

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I noticed Emily standing in the audience as we played. I was unaware that she would be coming tonight, but I must admit that I'm happy to see her. Her facial expressions differed as the song went on which made me anxious. Just as I wondered what was wrong, she left with what seems to be a rather angry facial expression. 

I hope everything is OK with her. Why would she be angry? She told me she loved coming to see us play, why was tonight any different? I suppose she doesn't like the song, I don't know why, I wrote it a while back. 

The thoughts in my head caused me to almost make a mistake when playing which assured me that I need to forget about it and see how she is later. I can't go after her. It's not just me on stage, it's the lads too, if I leave now I'll be aboandoning them.

"I'll walk you up, what times the bus come?

I'll walk you up, what times the bus come?

I'll walk you up, what times the bus come?" 

Leave Before the Lights Come On had came to an end as did our time on the stage for tonight. "Thank you very much Ladies and Gentlemen for being here tonight, yeh, we've really appreciated it" I said just before the lads and I exited the stage. 

The boys slung themselves on the settee, indicating they were all tired. "Good night that eh?" Jamie asked. "Ah, it was pretty decent." Nick replied with a smile plastered on his face. We aren't the most expressive bunch, but after a preformance we are all overjoyed with the audience's response. "You alreyt, Al?" Matt asked looking a little conserned.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Em was here then she left about 'alf way through song." I answered. 

"Probably just had to be somewhere." Jamie guessed.

"Nah, it wasn't that. She was fine and then next minute it looked like she wa fuming at me." I sighed. 

"Don't worry yourself about it, more than likley nothing serious." Matt reassured me. 


"It's alright, I'm walking home. Thanks tho." I stared to walk back to mine and I pulled out my phone. I needed to see if she was alreyt didn't I? Holding the phone close to my ear, I heard the ring tone. 

"Hello." Emily greated.

"You alright, love? You left in a rush"

"Hm, I'm great tar."

"Well you're clearly not great so tell me what's up."

"Al, just dropp it yeah?"

"No, if you're upset you should be able to talk to me about it." I sighed feeling useless.

"Fine, for god's sake, I'll tell you. Was our night together a mistake or a fling to you?"

My eyes widened at the fact she would even think that. Where would she ever get that idea from? "What on earth are you on about?" 

"That song. It was a great song, it really was, but you could have just told me it was nothing serious."

"Ohhhhh, you think it was about you? Ok, it makes sense why you're mad now." 

"Of corse I'm mad!" 

"But it's not about you."

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean it's about someone else, I wrote it a long time ago but and lads only recently turned it into a proppa song."

"Oh." she said simply causing me to laugh. 

"I'm sorry, Emily."

"No, don't be, it was me jumping to conclusions and being an idiot so, I'm sorry."

"Do you want to come over to mine for a bit? I can walk and meet you if you want?"

"Can you come over to mine instead?"

"Yeah, I'll walk down now."

"Alright, see you then."

"Bye love." I pressed 'end call' on my phone and changed the direction in which I was walking. However, I am slightly confused. Why did she want me to go up to hers?" 


Hi all!

Sorry this one is more chatty than descriptive. I am currently writing a script so, I guess it has rubbed off in my writing. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. 

Thank you to anyone reading x x

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