8 (I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor)

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"Hello ladies and gentlemen." Alex directed a small smile to the crowd "We're Arctic Monkeys and this is one I wrote recently, I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor." 

Alex looked at me straight in the eyes as I did to him, but he added on a grin as he sang out the first line "Stop making the eyes at me, I'll stop making the eyes at you". This obviously caused me to giggle, he must have looked at me on purpose to say the lyrics of the song, what we were doing fitted it so well. The beat to this song is great, its one of those tracks that you can really dance to and feel like you are part of the song, well maybe I just feel part of the song because he looked at me when he said that line. 

As the song went on, the crowd got more and more into it. I couldn't help but notice seeing Alex's eyes locked on me through out the record. It was sort of nice to know he was looking at me. It almost egged me on to dance more, knowing that he was looking him, I needed him to know that I enjoy the Monkey's music without me telling him... again. Dancing is something I would have done whether he was looking or not, out of the two Arctic Monkeys songs I have heard I've loved them both. "I bet that you look good on the dancefloor, I don't know if you're looking for romance or." Eyes. His eyes were still burning into me, I couldn't help but wonder if this was written about me...probably not. Maybe so? No, it can't be. On a serious note, I'm actually sad that I didn't discover the band much sooner. I know they are only small still, I've got a feeling they won't be small for much longer as it's only a matter of time before they get discovered, they play like they have been doing this years. 

"I wish you'd stop ignoring me" OK so that sort of fits, I sort of blanked him when I was at work in the shop? However, I did still talk to him so I am more than likley wrong on this one. The liveliness in the place was still the same. Amazing. So much energy filled each and every individual in the room: there was people kissing,  dancing, drinking, singing and basically anything involving some sort of movement. I decided to drag myself back over to the bar, I don't know how I managed as I was so involved in the song. "Pint again, Miss?" the nice man asked me sweetly. "No thanks, think I'm going to have a change, double vodka and coke please" I asked with a smile.

"You sure?"

"Almost." I laughed.

"Ok, coming right up." He strolled over to the other end of the bar to prepare  my drink for me whilst a line in the song caught my attention "Dirty dancefloors and dreams of naughtiness." The barman handed me my drink with a smile in his face, just as before. 

Wait... no...definetly not. I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor cannot be about be. Alex doesn't think of me like that, does he?


Sooooooo this chapter turned out in a completley different way then intended. I just knew I wanted Emily to have a good time at the gig, it wasn't supposed to end up like this. Oh well ahah. 

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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