16 (Fake Tales of...summet)

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Laying in Alex's arms, I felt like I belonged, I'd never ever felt this wanting for someone in my life. I wanted to be his and I wanted him to be mine, for as long as he'd let me. I'm not sure if this is love, I'm not even sure what love is, but what I do know is that as soon as he leaves I'll miss him. 

Alex shiffted around which indicated him waking up. He looked down at me with a large smile on his face "Good morning beautiful" he whispered. 

"Good morning, Al" I answered. He sqeezed me tighter in a strong hug causing me to giggle "Can't breathe." We both laughed together at this and he realeased me a little.

"What time is it?" he asked me. I turned my head to face the clock, but only to find out I was extreamly late "Shit!" I exclaimed and jumped up. Picking up my phone to ring a taxi, Al sat up on the bed "What's up?" he asked raising his eyebrow. 

"I'm late for work, I must go" I said rushing around to get ready "You can stay here as long as you'd like, I really must dash though". 

Finishing getting dresses, I ended up with my black leather jacket, a long sleaved plum top to go with my matching trainers and, as almost always, my black jeans. I gave Alex a kiss on the cheek as I was about to run off for work "You look lovely, have a good day at work" Al said. 

"See you later." I ran out front to greet my taxi, which I quickly hopped inside. "To anywhere around the winter gardens please." The driver nodded in response and set off for the journey. 'See you later?' I thought? Is that all I can say? The man gave me a compliment and that was how I answered, the fuck? I'm not used to having good responses to compliments. If I normally get one, it's in a pub or a club and from sleezy men. Like that time, after my first  Arctic Monkey's show, the man kept wanting to buy me a drink and I shewed him away. That's what I'd normally do. "Miss?... Oi... MISS?" the driver interrupted my thoughts "We're here".

"How much do I owe you?" I asked.

"Erm, call it fifteen quid." I passed the man the money, confused as it's never been 15 before, I didn't question it though as I was in too much of a rush. "Thank you, have a nice day." Getting out of the car, I quickly ran through the Winter Gardens and too the little shop in which I worked. 

Legging it through the door, my manager stood there shaking her head at me " Three hours Emily?!" she shouted.

"I know, I am so sorry, my alarm didn't go off and my taxi was late" I lied. 

"By three hours? I am fed up of excuses, if you're late one more time then you're sacked." I nodded and appologised a last time whilst I walked into the little back. I popped on my lanyard on and walked back out onto the shop floor, a small smile left my face as I heard what song was on 'Hard to Explain' by The Strokes. This song is one I really loved, it's not like the majority of rubished that gets played on those basic radio stations. "Exuse me, do I know you?" I turned around faced with a blonde man who did actually seem sort of familiar. "Oh I'm not sure." I shrugged. "Yeah, I've met you once before." he smiled. 

"Well would you like to inform me of where?" I suggested. 

"Er, that night Arctic Monkeys played that reyt good song. I think it was called summet like 'Fake Tales of' something?" 

"Yeah I was there, I love that song."

"I thought is was good too, front man seems like a bit of a bellend."

My eyes widened quickly as my brain re-discoved who he was. "You're the creepy bastard that would'nt leave me alone!"

"Well I wouldn't call myself creepy"

"You wouldn't" I scoffed.

"I did just really want to buy you a drink. If that front man didn't get in the way, you'd have seen how nice I am." he said. 

"That 'front man' happens to be my boyfriend."

His mouth opened slightly in shock causing me to laugh a little bit. "You needing any customer service or are you just being a stalker?" I chuckled. 

"How on earth could I have stalked you when I didn't know you worked here?" he laughed. I shrugged, picked up a cloth and got back to work. "I'm after some shoes." I rolled my eyes. The man picked up a trainer and asked for it in his size, which I went into the stock room to go and fetch. Sorting the shoes out her thanked me with a smile and handed me the money. "Thank you" I smiled as he left the shop. 

"Finally, you made a sale for the first time in who knows how long." My manager said with her arms crossed causing me to turn away and roll my eyes. 


Hello all!

I'm aware that this chapter is very basic and I appologise, I'll try and make the next more interesting.

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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