2 (You Probably Couldn't See for the Lights But I Was Staring Straight at You)

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Leaving the toilets, I had a thought stuck in my head "how fucking rude". I understand that she needed to go to the toilet, clearly despartley, I just dont get why she didn't immeditley say thank you. To be completely fair to the mysterious girl, she did introduce herself afterwards and did so quite nicley. 

I went to a separte room in the back, like me and the rest of the boys usually do,  picked up my guitar and asked the lads "well we going on then or what?".

"Yeah they said we can go on when ever we're ready" answered Matt. Just as Matt finished his sentence, our manager walked over to us "right then, I know you four will do great like always but good look". Managers can be annoying at times but, I must say ours is always trying his best to get us the best. 

We all thank him and me, Matt, Jamie and Nick ((this is as though Nick has always been part of the band)), as we make our way on stage. Standing at the middle front of the stage, I adjusted my mic to be more suited to me. "Alreyt everyone? We are Arctic Monkeys and we erm call this one Fake Tales of San Francisco" thats all I said, I'm not good at speaches, to be completely honest I don't see the point. People come to hear a song played, not some public speaking from a lad who writes songs. 

At first everyone one was still sat down in their seats, almost like the room was lifless "Fake tales of san francisco echo through the room". This changed when that girl I helped earlier walked in the room (I think her name was Emma or something but I don't remember), she didn't look up at the band, she just began to dance and made her way to the middle of the floor, slowly starting to bring others with her. "And there's a few bored faces at the back all wishing they weren't there". As more people turned to see her dancing to our song, they got up and joined, all moving to the beat. "Yeah but his bird said it's amazing, though so all that's left is the proof that love's not only blind but death" I sang.

Even with the huge crowed cramped on the dance floor, she still stood out, like a ray of light pushing its way through thick dark cloud. "Get off the bandwagon and put down the handbook". I'm not she how she did it but, she had my attention the whole time  I was singing, the whole time I was playing the guitar. She probably couldn't see because the lights were very low but, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.



Hey any readers! so this is Alex's pov and im undecided but I think I'll keep randomly switching throughout the story of whoes POV it is, I will make it from who evers view is more interesting. 

I hope you enjoyed the part, sorry it's small again. 

Yes I did change the title of the song slightly to fit the chapter better (chapter title)

As before, feel free to message me :)

Thank you so much to anyone reading xx

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