6 (Winter Gardens and a Greggs)

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It was finally my break. Breaks don't come often at my work. I get half an hour, depending on how many hours I'm working that day, but it always goes much quicker to me. "Definetley fancy a Greggs" I thought. 

Walking to Greggs, I put my earphones in and searched for a song to play. When I found 'Last Nite' by The Strokes, I imediedtly selected it and popped my phone back in my pocket. The song is amazing, I think the Strokes are truly great. They are sort of new, and even though they sound fresh, they don't sound like ametures. 

You can always tell when you are coming up to a Greggs, the smell is phenomenal, I do love a good Greggs. I walked up to the counter and said "Can I have a chicken bake please?" I used to love their pizza, but once I tried a chicken bake I could never even think about going back. "£1.50 please", I handed the kind lady the money "Thank you" she said with a large smile. With an equally large smiley, I replied "Thank you, have a nice day".

I decided to eat the bake whilst walking to the winter gardens to enjoy the rest of my break peacfully. Reaching the gardens, I found a woden bench to place myself on and closed my eyes  in order to have some relaxation time. My time. 

Turns out, it wasn't 'my time' for very long when I heard a voice "This seat taken?" a voice I had heard before asked. Keeping my eyes shut, I answered the voice "Once you sit down it will be". His reply was his small chuckle causing me to open my eyes and smile. "Didn't expect to see you again, Alex".

"Did you not want to see me?" he raised an eyebrow.

I raised one of mine "Well did you want to see me?". He didn't answer this, just put a small smile on his face. 

There's something different about Alex, can't quite put my finger on it. "So who wrote it then?" I asked causing a confused look to appear on Alex's face "Fake Tales of San Francisco". He looked over to face me inside of looking at the floor as he did previously "Me". My eyes widened in amazement "You? You wrote that sone? The one I heard you all play?" my many questions showed clearly that I was shocked by this. "Yeah, me. I write our songs. Why is that surprising?" he questioned. "It's not that I didn't think you could, I just didn't really expect you to write lyrics, the words you sang I...I just couldn't get them out of my mind" I mentally kicked myself for saying this, not that I care what he thinks of me, I just made myself out to be a complete and utter melt. The lyrics to that song were, well, beautiful. They helped to give the song life. I haven't heard any other music by Arctic Monkeys, but I might pop in next time they are playing. 

As I stood up, Alex looked confused "Where you going?". Walking away from him, I answered with a simple choice of words...word even "Work". Here I heard footsteps behinde me, footsteps I'm guessing belonged to Alex "And you are following me why?" I demanded to know. 

"Not following love, just walking you back. You know what town in Sheffield is like and it's slowly getting dark" he mumbled. 

I rolled my eyes. I work in town, I've been fine this whole time so I'm sure one more walk back to work won't kill me. "Sur..." I stopped myself, I realised he wouldn't change his mind so I changed my answer from 'sure' to "Fine." 


Hello all, 

The next chapter will more than likley be from Alex's point of view. I sort of have an idea what it will be, but I won't spoil because tbh I'm not even sure if I will stick to it - knowing me, probably not. Also, message me any ideas you have, I may include it. 

No it hasn't been the most exciting, but an updates and update so oh well.

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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