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Emily is truly beautiful. She is just like everyone else, yet completly different at the same time. The way her hair frames her face, the way she gives the largest smile and then looks blankly in the space of just a second, beauty. I walked next to her the whole way back to the shop. I didn't want to be too far away, but I didn't want to stand close to her either. It might make her feel uncomfortable - I've only just met the woman. 

The walk itself was a quiet one. It wasn't silent, the cars driving around assured that, it was comfotable. 

When we arrived at the shop she opened the door for herself and spoke "Thanks Alex, you didn't have to, but thanks." shutting the door behind her, she smiled at me and I just returned it. I made sure to wait until the door was fully closed till I walked away, no clue why. Not that I fancy Emily, it's nothing at all like that, she seems like a good person so would be a shame to not have her in my life. 

--(That Night)--

"Lets av a break, we've got a bit of time before we go on yet anyway" Jamie sighed. We had been going on for a while, to be fair to him, I'm probably due a good break myself. "Alreyt" I answered putting my guitar down. "Thank fuck for that, I'm dying for a drink. Anyone want owt?" Matt offered the group. The three of us nodded our heads giving our order causing Matt to nod and leave imedietly after. 


"Same as before mate please" I got the money ready for the man pulling the pints and we exchanged when the drinks were ready. The door swung open to let a large group of lads in, they will either be trouble or help get things started on dance floor. I hope its the latter to be honest, cannot be dealing with any drama, I just want to have a good little concert. 

Behind the lads followed a girl wearing a cheetah print coat, a black skirt, a black long sleaved top, tights, brown ankle boots and a brown belt to top it off.  "Oh hiya Matt!" she shouted over when she noticed me. Smiling back I answered "Hi, want a drink getting whilst im here?". She came over and sat on the stool that was placed next to me "Nah don't worry I've got it" she signaled the man to come over to her "Just a pint please mate" she did the same thing as I did with the money and took a gulp of her drink. "So you boys on tonight?" she asked.

"Yeah, they're in back now. Could you help me carry drinks back?" I requested. Emily picked up her own here, and another so we made our way back. 



Thats Emily's voice. I changed my line of sight from Nick over to the doorway, there she was. She was stood there in a large coat helping top off her lovely choice in outfit. "Ah, it's Emily right?" Nick smiled resulting in a nod from her.  

Nothing happened for a moment, the room was near enough silent until Emily broke this "Anyone going to take this drink then or am I having two?" she laughed. Standing up I gave my answer and took the second drink off of Emily's hands "Cheers you two".

"What time do you go on?" she wondered just as a man signalled for us. 

"Right about now" I said. Me and the rest of the Monkeys walked onto the stage, but as soon as I took one step on the black shiny platform, Emily was already stood watching in the audience.


My memory is shocking, terrible even. The idea I said I had for this update, I completly forgot it. I was sat for ages trying to remember, I won't come to me and I have no idea why. Anyways I hope this was a good replacement, probably not. 

What do you think of me including Matt's POV? Should I switch whose point of view it is in my chapters sometimes or stick to the same characteres POV throughout the chapter? I enjoyed switching this time because it was a nice change so I really don't mind either way. 

I'm not the most creative person, I'm certainly not no writer, so I appologise again for the short length in chapter. 

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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